To be unbound by the chains of gravity, to fly high up in the sky, totally free. Flying has been a dream for humanity an.. Read More
5 Times Dogs Won Over Cats as Friends
Watch these 5 dogs work and succeed at getting the family cat to love them back, or at least tolerate them.
Cello and Violin : A Gorgeous Musical Collaboration!
The Croatian cellist Stjepan Hauser loves to add spice to his performances with upbeat songs and surprising collaborations - this time with an amazing violinist!
The Funniest Soccer Blunders Ever Caught
From minor mishaps to full-on fiascos, this compilation of soccer bloopers takes you on a journey of escalating hilarity.
Feline Lesson: Do Cats Think They Own You?
Do cats think they own their owners? Watch this video to find out.
NASA’s X-59: Quiet Supersonic Flight is Coming Soon
Could this be the future of how we fly?
Let Us Take You to a Magical Island...
Gran Canaria is a unique place where tropical beaches, sand dunes, luxurious resorts, architecture, and many other amazing things come together on a single island...
The Forgotten Airships of the U.S. Military
This is the story of America's ambitious journey into the age of aerial warfare.
India Built a Monster Dam That Controls the Weather!
The Polavaram Dam doesn't just control floods - it moves water between regions and much more!
These Amazing Futuristic Cars Were Imagined In The ‘40s
This short video, which was released way back in 1948, showcases some really cool futuristic cars that look advanced even for today.
James Bond's Best 15 Cars, Boats and Planes!
James Bond is a movie icon, but the super-spy would not have been half as effective without his fleet of luxury vehicles armed with his signature gadgets.
20 Mini Airplanes You Won’t Believe Actually Fly!
These mini planes may be small, but they pack a serious punch!
This Stunning Phantom's Interior Would Cost $300,000 Today
An incredible Series I Rolls-Royce Phantom was up on the auction block at Bonhams, complete with its stunning French-inspired interior. See it here.
These Cars Were Designed By Some Truly Creative Geniuses!
There have been some truly strange cars seen on the road, but nothing beats these 10 cars designed by major companies to be unique
Days Of Future Past: 14 Bizarre Cars From Bygone Eras
These wacky retro car concepts are seriously so cool.
"Rare & Expensive" Doesn't Do These Muscle Cars Justice...
Rare and expensive are terms that don't do these muscle cars justice. Some are completely unique, while others actually started legends. Here they are!
Power & Precision: 10 Incredible Muscle Car Photos
Which one of these classic muscle cars would you like to drive?
15 Incredibly Small Vehicles You’ve Never Seen Before
It's hard to believe how ridiculously small these vehicles are. Take a look.
These Cars Are So Obscure, Even We Didn't Know About Them!
It's sad to think that some of these extraordinary sports cars are so obscure. Here are 10 highly obscure sports cars.
Is This the Most Luxurious Train in World?
The Japanese train we’re about to show you is unlike any other public transportation you’ve seen.
Armored History: 10 Most Important Tanks of WWII
Tanks were a significant factor in most of the main fighting theatres in World War II. Here are 10 important models any history buff should know.
How the Spitfire Became the Most Iconic Plane to Ever Fly
This full documentary will tell you all you need to know about the plane that saved Britain from invasion and defeat during the Second World War.
This Subway Train Has a Beautiful Secret Inside...
What looks like a regular subway from the outside, offers a suddenly luxurious experience inside!
Exactly How Did These People Get Their Driving Licenses?
Sometimes people simply can't keep their cars on the road... As these absurd and hilarious driving fails pictures show.
When People Messed With Their Cars… With Bizarre Results
Sometimes people make the weirdest modifications in their cars. Take a look.
These U.S. Postal Vehicles Depict a Fascinating History
Go back in time and know the fascinating history behind some of the oldest U.S. postal vehicles, dating back to the 19th and 20th century.
Insanely Cool Modern Vehicles That You Need To See Now
Take a look at these insanely advanced and futuristic-looking vehicles that are set to make our lives easier in the future.
These Ships Were Sailing Long Before You Were Born
Some of the world's oldest ships still capable of sailing the seas today are much older than you'd imagine. Discover the oldest ships still afloat in the world.
I Thought I'd Seen it All... Until I Saw These Cars...
These owners must have spent a fortune putting their strange creations together on wheels.
This Might Have Been the Strangest Aircraft Ever Built
The Fairey Rotodyn was a remarkable aircraft that could have transformed air travel forever. What happened to it?
These Are the Strangest Vehicles I've Ever Laid Eyes On.
From a five person bike to giant monstrosities, these are some of the wildest designs for vehicles we've ever seen! Take a look!
Has There Ever Been a Greater Era For Beautiful Cars?
These have been many great automotive eras, but the 21st Century has seen many technologically incredible and truly beautiful cars released. Here is the top 10.
13 Statues that Seem to Break the Laws of Physics
These fascinating artistic creations all seem to bend the laws of physics.
Unusual Vehicles: The Craziest Rides You’ll Encounter
Are these the craziest vehicles you’ve ever seen?
I Have No Idea What These Drivers Were Thinking...
These crazy car drivers are off the chart wacky!
20 Photos Showing the Evolution of the Formula 1 Cars
In the series of images before you, you'll find the crown jewels; some of the best cars that won the Formula 1 championship in different periods.
Step Inside These Rarely Seen Vehicle Cabins (14 Pics)
Take a peek inside the unseen cabins of rare vehicles.
Ancient Wheels: 15 of the Oldest Vehicles in Human History
Check out these amazingly cool retro automobiles.
These Cars are Completely Bizarre and Hilarious!
From cars that look like other things to cars that look like they are about to fight zombies to cars that are half a motorcycle!
14 Beautiful Old Cars and Their Fascinating Stories...
These photos bring us the stories of some of the most exquisite car designs of long ago.
It's Crazy That These Highly Valuable Cars Were Abandoned!
It's incredible to think that these highly valuable cars were forgotten about in garages and barns for so long. Check out these incredible barn find cars.
These 12 Beautiful Cars Are Literally One of a Kind
There are only one each of these beautiful, classic cars.
The 10 Worst Jet Airplanes Ever to Fly...
From the farcical, to the catastrophic and downright dangerous, these are the 10 worst jet airplanes ever.
We Need These 16 Classic Cars Back on the Road!
These classic cars were so cool!
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