Back in the 1940s, flying wing aircraft was making headlines all over. The high-lift, low-drag aircraft boasted unparall.. Read More
This Ship Could Have Changed The World… But Didn’t
The N.S. Savannah was one of America’s historic merchant ships that promised to change the world. What happened to it?
The Fastest and Highest-Flying Jet Aircraft in History
The Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird was developed during the Cold War and still remains the world's fastest airplane.
Weaponry in the Middle Ages Was Truly Extraordinary
Weapons in the Middle Ages were truly unusual and extraordinary. Some were so remarkable that they sound made up!
This Is the LOUDEST Plane Ever Manufactured!
This Cold War-era plane was so loud that it is known to give people seizures!
Did You Know That Telegrams Are Still Sent Every Year?
When was the last time you sent a telegram? Chances are, your answer is 'never.' But, guess what? They're still being sent by the millions every year!
Was the Statue of Liberty REALLY a Gift?
Learn about the numerous possible people who may have modeled for the Statue of Liberty, and some shocking myth-busting.
These Tips Can Help You Beat Diabetes in 4 Weeks!
Can you really beat diabetes? These hacks are worth a try...
Here’s Where You Can Watch Classic Movies for Free!
Want to watch free classic movies? Check out these sites and apps.
History's 7 Oldest Vehicles You Must Know About
Here is a look at some of history's oldest vehicles. While their designs may not appeal to us today, they certainly have great significance.
Bakfiets – The Unique Car-Replacement Bicycle
Today, we would like to share with you a unique vehicle that can make commuting around the city much easier.
“What Did You Do to Your Car?!” – Bizarre Modifications
These car modifications have gone out of hand!
Bristol Brabazon: A Flying Marvel with a Theater!
The Bristol Brabazon was the largest aircraft ever built by Britain. And it had a movie theater? So why did fail?
I Thought I'd Seen it All... Until I Saw These Cars...
These owners must have spent a fortune putting their strange creations together on wheels.
Working for Years, This Student Built Something Incredible
he following pictures showcase Luca's exceptional talent and the incredible model he built of a Boeing 777
This Stunning Phantom's Interior Would Cost $300,000 Today
An incredible Series I Rolls-Royce Phantom was up on the auction block at Bonhams, complete with its stunning French-inspired interior. See it here.
How Far Can You Drive with a Car's Fuel Warning Light On?
Sometimes we inevitably end up cutting it too fine when it comes to the amount of gas that we have in our car. Read this guide to learn how far you can go.
These Amazing Futuristic Cars Were Imagined In The ‘40s
This short video, which was released way back in 1948, showcases some really cool futuristic cars that look advanced even for today.
Paul Allen's Collection of WWII Planes Is Staggering!
This amazing group of planes was amassed by billionaire Paul Allen. These incredibly rare WWII fighters can be enjoyed by the general public. Take a look.
Some People Have the Strangest Cars...
Photos of some of the most bizarre automobiles you've ever seen.
It's Incredible That These Weird Planes Ever Took Flight...
Some very clever men have created some extremely weird vehicles in the past century. In fact, these are probably the most bizarre aircraft ever. Take a look.
James Bond's Best 15 Cars, Boats and Planes!
James Bond is a movie icon, but the super-spy would not have been half as effective without his fleet of luxury vehicles armed with his signature gadgets.
A ROYAL History of the Rolls-Royce Car
For 119 years, Rolls-Royce has exemplified a unique blend of creativity, invention, and luxury.
These Cars Are So Obscure, Even We Didn't Know About Them!
It's sad to think that some of these extraordinary sports cars are so obscure. Here are 10 highly obscure sports cars.
You Feel like Royalty Inside These 10 Exotic Trains
Hop aboard some of the most luxurious train rides of the world in this video.
Is This the Most Luxurious Train in World?
The Japanese train we’re about to show you is unlike any other public transportation you’ve seen.
This Daredevil Motorcyclist Will Leave You Petrified!
Get ready to watch one of the most dangerous acts ever performed on TV, as a stunt motorcyclist performs a dangerous routine around Howie Mandel.
11 Forgotten Standard Car Features We Don't Use Anymore
Would you want these old car features to be brought back?
Ancient Wheels: 15 of the Oldest Vehicles in Human History
Check out these amazingly cool retro automobiles.
These Cars are Completely Bizarre and Hilarious!
From cars that look like other things to cars that look like they are about to fight zombies to cars that are half a motorcycle!
The Golden Age of Two Wheels: Exploring Classic Motorbikes
Today, let’s ride back to the past and explore some of the most iconic motorcycles in history.
You Won’t Believe How Massive These Steam Locomotives Were
Here we present some of the largest steam locomotives ever built throughout railway history.
Behold the World's Most Expensive Cars, 2023 Edition
we have some incredible vehicles to show you. Are they worth the super-sized price tag? Only you can decide...
Iconic Trains That Reshaped the Course of History
Here is a look at some of the most important trains in history that went on to reshape the course of events in the world in their time.
These Cars from the 40s and 50s Are Still Beautiful to Me
These classic US Cars of the 40s and 50s will make you feel nostalgic.
13 Lesser-Known Car Facts That May Surprise You
We're so used to cars that we sometimes forget that their history is incredibly interesting.
These Are the 10 of the Fastest Trains On the Planet...
Trains are a huge part of how we get things from place to place. But which are the fastest, and why is that?
Has There Ever Been a Greater Era For Beautiful Cars?
These have been many great automotive eras, but the 21st Century has seen many technologically incredible and truly beautiful cars released. Here is the top 10.
Have You Ever Seen Cars as Weird as THESE?
These 25 cars are the strangest you have ever seen.
The Bus-Train: A Game-Changer in Public Transportation
Hop aboard the 'Dual-Mode Vehicle (DMV)' – a bus that can transform into a train.
How Would It Feel To Drive The World's First Car? Find Out
Looking at vintage cars is fascinating, isn't it? Here you will get to see what it feels like to drive the replica of the world's first car.
These Were the Fastest Production Cars Money Could Buy
Many records have been broken as part of man's relentless pursuit of more and more speed. Each of these 16 cars has held the production car speed record.
These Wonderful Cars Put Japan On the Automotive Map
Just because Japan took a while to catch up to the European manufacturers, it doesn't mean that they didn't produce some great cars along the way. Take a look.
I Have No Idea What These Drivers Were Thinking...
These crazy car drivers are off the chart wacky!
These Are the Most Incredible Trains Ever Built
While many trains in operation today are no more than a means of very mundane transport, these 10 amazing trains will be remembered forever.
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