Crows have always been known as intelligent creatures. But just how intelligent are they? Well, they seem to be able to .. Read More
How to Photograph Large Cats...
Using a Buggy to Photograph Lions
These Cute Koalas Will Melt Your Heart!
This compilation features moments like a baby koala's first-ever photoshoot and heartwarming koala cuddles. It is guaranteed to melt your heart!
This Fawn Comes Every Morning to Visit...
What could be a better way to start your day?
How Are Animals Trained to Be In Movies and TV?
Have you ever wondered how animals, from parrots to insects, are trained to perform in movies and TV?
Smart Crow Forms a Special Bond With the Man Who Saved Him
Watch how a crow who lost his home in a storm found a helping hand through a human family.
Amazing - Otter Jumps On a Boat to Escape Predator
This cute otter was nearly captured by a hungry orca. Luckily, he spotted a boat he was able to use as a sanctuary...
WARNING: Do Not Drink Coffee While Taking These Pills
If you are currently taking medications for cold and nasal congestion, it’s very important to read the following information to understand why you should avoid caffeine and what could happen if you don’t.
How to Tell If a Virus Warning Is Real or Fake - 12 Tips
If you see a barrage of security alerts popping up on your computer, then it might be sign of a virus attack.
15 of the Smallest Animals to Inhabit the Earth!
Have you ever wondered what is the smallest animal in the world is? If you have, you’ve certainly come to the right place.
Can You Guess the Famous Geological Formation?
Can you recognize the world-famous geological formations and landscapes that are blurred out in these pictures? Give it a go and see how many you get right!
For Proof of True Love, Look to the Animal Kingdom
These heart-warming pictures will remind you that love is all around you in the world.
Nature: How Animals Evolved Head Weapons
The history of animal head weapons is diverse and fascinating.
Nature Lesson: Fun Hummingbird Facts You Never Knew Before
Learn some amazingly true and little-known facts about the insect-sized hummingbirds.
14 Plants in the Most Artful, Unique, and Quirky Pots
These perfectly-paired pots and plants will light up any garden.
From Alabama to Wyoming: 50 States Blessed with Fall Colors
Before the winter months take over, let's enjoy the beauty of fall in 50 U.S. states.
If You Want to See Some Breathtaking Beauty, Come In Here...
Check out the astonishing winning panoramic images from the 2023 EPSON International Pano Awards.
15 Riveting Images Perfectly Depicting Nature's Beauty
These photos are so perfectly timed, it beggars belief. In addition, they're also supplemented by truly stunning nature and wildlife. View these 15 images now.
Inspiring Wildlife Photos From Europe’s Top Photographers
Check out the amazing winners of the European Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2024.
Witness the Beauty of the Spectacular Canadian Rockies
This part of Canada is truly stunning. Take a look for yourself and see how wonderful the Canadian Rockies are.
22 Award-Winning Photos That Capture the Power of Nature
The International Photography Awards has many categories, but today, we will focus on nature, with 22 stunning highlights from the 2020 competition.
17 Animals That Prove That Nature Can Be Especially Creative
It's not only their coloring which makes these 17 animals unique. Their low chances of survival make them especially rare.
Time Lapse Video: From Cute Caterpillar to Gorgeous Moth
Timelapse video shows a caterpillar's transformation into adult moth
20 Weird Animal Eating Habits We Never Think About
The natural world can be both a weird and wonderful place, as the facts you are about to learn certainly prove.
National Geographic's Photography Never Ceases to Amaze
National Geographic never ceases to amaze us with the photos it shows us, and the 20 images you're about to see here are no exception.
16 Bizarre Facts That Are So Strange They Could Only Be True
Sometimes science is so bizarre it blows the mind. Read These 16 fascinating facts that prove that truth is stranger than fiction.
These Comedy Wildlife Photos Are Hilarious
Check out 20 of the best entries from 2018's edition of the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards.
The Most Incredible Animal Friendships!
in reality, animals can sometimes remind us of childhood stories and tv programs - sometimes the unlikely friendships are indeed made by animals, and here's the proof:
You Won't Believe How a Walk in Nature Affects Our Brain
I was absolutely shocked to discover just how beneficial a walk in nature is for the brain. And upon reading #2 and #4, I couldn't wait to put my walking boots on and hit the park.
The Fascinating Origins of 11 Lovely Flower Names
There is no better time than spring to dive headfirst into the fascinating world of flower name etymologies! Here are the origins of the names of 11 lovely flowers.
Learn All About the Basics of Dog Psychology
Check out this collection of the most intriguing facts about the psychology of dogs that we are currently aware of, many of which will be surprising to most.
Nature inFocus Photography Awards: 17 Incredible Winners
Check out the incredible winners of the 2023 Nature inFocus Photography Awards.
These 20 Animal Facts will Blow Your Mind
Did you know that squirrels plant trees or that oysters can change their gender? These little-known animal facts will blow your mind! I was especially impressed with no.6!
Woman Captures Stunning Photos of Birds in Her Back Yard!
Although the weather and seasons in Germany and Michigan are quite similar, one woman realized that the birds are different. She took some great photos to prove this.
A Deep Dive into the Biology of Great White Sharks
Great white sharks are marvels of nature.
10 Facts About the Power of Trees That Will Blow Your Mind
Trees are silent and harmless - but these facts are just about to twist this round! Read about the magnificent things you didn't know about trees.
Celebrating the Majesty of Indian Tigers - 14 Photos
Photographer Jitender Govindani's camera captures the majesty of Bengal tigers as they roam freely through India's jungles.
Beautiful: How Your Dog Sees You Vs. How You See Yourself
Although we can feel down in the dumps about ourselves sometimes, our dogs will always keep their faith in us and see us as their heroes.
The Story of the World's Most Poisonous Creature
This frog is the most poisonous creature in the world!
8 Members of the Animal World Who Thrive In Their Solitude
Here's a look at some of the most interesting solitary animals in the world who thrive in their solitude.
These Images of Our Galaxy are Sure to Ignite Your Wonder
The 2024 Milky Way Photographer of the Year contest celebrates our galaxy's majesty.
Unbelievable Photos from World Nature Photography Awards
Marvel at the incredible photos from the World Nature Photography Awards 2024.
10 Horses That'll Astound You With Their Beauty
Man and horse have had a natural companionship for centuries. Here are 10 of the world's most beautiful horses.
A Heart-In-Mouth Video About a Chick's Fight To Survive
The adaptations of nature are truly incredible. Barnacle goose chicks have to leap off cliffs within hours of their birth to reunite with their parents.
Incredible Wildlife Moments Frozen in Time: 14 Pics
Check out some of the highly commended photos of this year's Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition.
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