We often show you photos of cute and beautiful animals like cats, dogs, squirrels, horses, and bunnies. Today, let’s discover the tender beauty of donkeys! The pictures below are from Il Rifugio degli Asinelli, an Italian Donkey Sanctuary. Established in 1969, this organization has been working to help people appreciate and understand these gorgeous animals a little better.
There are 135 donkeys and mules at the sanctuary, and most of them have been through tough times. Many of them were mistreated and neglected but have fortunately found a haven on this farm. Rachele Totaro, who works at the sanctuary, loves taking pictures of these animals to share their beauty with the world. We generally assume donkeys to be stubborn or stoic creatures. But these striking photos reveal their playful, curious, naughty, and cute sides too!
Related: These Adorable Baby Donkeys Will Warm Your Heart
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