What a difference a moment can mean to a person...
Having four visiting family members, my wife was very busy, so I offered to go to the store for her to get some needed items, which included light bulbs, paper towels, trash bags, detergent and Clorox. So off I went.
Having four visiting family members, my wife was very busy, so I offered to go to the store for her to get some needed items, which included light bulbs, paper towels, trash bags, detergent and Clorox. So off I went. I scurried around the store, gathered up my goodies and headed for the
checkout counter, only to be blocked in the narrow aisle by a young man who appeared to be about sixteen-years-old. I wasn't in a hurry, so I patiently waited for the boy to realize that I was there. This was when he waved his hands excitedly in the air and declared in a loud voice, "Mommy,
I'm over here."
It was obvious now, he was mentally challenged and also startled as he turned and saw me standing so close to him, waiting to squeeze by. His
eyes widened and surprise exploded on his face as I said, "Hey Buddy, what's your name?"
"My name is Denny and I'm shopping with my mother," he responded proudly.
"Wow," I said, "that's a cool name; I wish my name was Denny, but my name is Steve."
"Steve, like Stevarino?" he asked.
"Yes," I answered. "How old are you Denny?"
"How old am I now, Mommy?" he asked his mother as she slowly came over from the next aisle.
"You're fifteen-years-old Denny; now be a good boy and let the man pass by."
I acknowledged her and continued to talk to Denny for several more minutes about summer, bicycles and school. I watched his brown eyes dance with excitement, because he was the center of someone's attention. He then abruptly turned and headed toward the toy section.
How the Words of Jesus Can Make You a Better Person...
The video below explores the philosophy of kindness and empathy, in the words of Jesus Christ.
Learn This Lesson To Appreciate What You Have
Instead of trying to chase what we don't have, we should take a moment to appreciate what we do actually have. Read this wonderful lesson.
Don't Forget! You Are Special & Unique
Often we can feel worthless, so it's important to be reminded of this terrible falsehood. We are all unique and important people for God. He loves you.
10 of the Most Beautiful Places of Worship in the World
Houses of worship are often the most shining example of artistic architecture, and these are the most beautiful examples of that.
This Poem Will Inspire You in Difficult Times...
These beautiful words will help you in your time of need.
Find Peace & Gratitude in These Short, Sweet Prayers...
I have found that saying a short prayer brings about peace within me, so I'd like to share with you eight simple, yet effective, prayers for all occasions.
How to Reprogram Your Subconscious to Develop as a Person
In the following article, we will give you some tips on reprogramming your subconscious to better develop as a person.
Got Low Self Esteem? 10 Tips to Boost Your Self Worth
Lacking self confidence? Here are 10 simple ways to boost your self worth.
Don't Despair - You Can Be Happy as You Want to Be
Self-confidence is absolutely necessary. Without it, life is an almost perverse struggle. Here are the 9 things I did to turn my life around. You can do so too!
6 Life-Changing Habits to Adopt and Get Out of a Rut...
When unhappiness takes a toll on my mental and emotional well-being, I turn to these six life-changing habits to help me overcome my lowest of moods.
A 4-Step Guide to Being Happier With Who You Are
This guide will teach you how to live a better life with yourself.
She Left This Letter Before She Died, It Was Heartbreaking
A little girl passed away, this is the letter they found...
When Things Go South, Remember These 20 Universal Truths
When things look bleak and hope feels like a distant memory, remember these 20 inspiring truths that all of humanity shares.
Remind Yourself of Love's Meaning With These 15 Quotes
If you need reminding of the true value and meaning of love, read these 15 quotes to re-ignite that spark.
These Beautiful Quotes Will Bring Peace to Your Soul
Here is a selection of 20 pieces of beautiful and wise quotes, for you to be inspired by and lift your spirits!
The Truth Behind This Song's Words Will Touch You Deeply
Tears in Heaven was written as a father's attempt to fight the most affecting grief any parent could experience. The beauty of this song staggers.
Do Your Friends Deserve Thanks? Send Them a Cute Greeting
Your friends are probably your greatest treasure, so why not let them know with a cute and fun animated cards?!
7 Evocative William Wordsworth Poems to Reflect On
Explore the meaning behind some of William Wordsworth's most celebrated poems
Mother Teresa Had a Lot to Teach Us About Humility
We often talk about our pride, but what about our humility? If there's one wise woman who could teach us how to be humble, it's surely Saint Mother Teresa...
10 Things All Couples Need to Do to Be in Love Forever
Everyone talks about that special spark, but what's the secret to making it last? Every couple should know these tips...
We All Make Mistakes, Give Yourself a Break...
We often need reminding that it takes failure after failure to create success. These ten reminders will keep you motivated after a mistake or failure:
If Life Has Taken a Sudden Turn, Read These Words
If you're feeling like your life is at a crossroads, these inspiring words will uplift your spirits.
The 4 BEST Ways to Meditate, Explained
It turns out that you can meditate in many approachable and beginner-friendly positions, not just the infamous lotus position! Here's how...
May These Words Light Your Way...
Sometimes It's not easy to listen to something, But when we do, good things just might happen. Read some wise thoughts and take a moment to ponder.
14 Clever and Wise Quotes Guaranteed to Lift Your Spirits
We’ve prepared 14 joyful, beautiful, motivating, and sometimes even funny quotes, so that everyone can find something to match their mood and lift their spirits!
12 Principles For a Good Life By a Great Thinker
Follow these 12 principles to live a good, healthy life.
Harvard Psychiatrist: How to Invest in Your Happiness
A Harvard psychiatrist delves into the importance of maintaining active relationships to foster happiness.
John Lennon Inspired Millions with His Wise Words
Lennon was also capable of inspiring millions with a single, spoken sentence. Take a look:
A Guide for Better Living: 40 Useful Tips!
Collected from all over - this is the blueprint for a good life.
Read These Quotes for a Bit of Inspiration!
Past hurts and old injustices have a way of keeping us stuck in our tracks. If this is something that you can relate to, may you find solace in these words.
Inspiring Words! Give Yourself the Things You Deserve
In order to celebrate life and its blessings, you need to allow yourself to do these important things.
These Quotes Will Change Your Perspective of the World
Neil Degrasse Tyson’s wise words will make you look at the world from a new perspective.
Keep These Wise Quotes Close to Your Heart
These wise words will give you comfort and strength in your darkest days, so be sure to keep them as close to your heart as you possibly can.
12 Heartwarming Photos of Kittens Before & After Adoption
These heartwarming before and after cat rescue stories and photos show how a loving home can completely transform the entire life of animals!
10 Types of People We All Need in Our Life
Today we will introduce you to 10 types of people that your soul needs, and we will also explain to you where you can find them and who they can be.
25 Great Tips That'll Help You Live a Lot Longer!
These 25 secrets will help you reach a ripe old age with minimum fuss.
Erma Bombeck: "If I Had My Life to Live Again..."
When writer Erma Bombeck discovered she didn't have long left to live, she composed this searingly personal but beautiful message I think we can all learn from.
Choose an Image & Find Out What Your Fear Says About You
A quick and simple test that can tell you a lot about yourself according to your fears.
Life Was Easier 60 Years Ago. Here Are 11 Reasons Why
In many ways, life was much easier half a century ago, and here are 11 ways how...
King Solomon's Ring - A Short Story with a Great Lesson
King Solomon decided to send his servant to find a magical ring. A story with an important message about happiness and coping.
The Unexpected Differences Between the Rich and the Poor
The following story will leave you wondering about the real differences that exist between the rich and the poor.
Who Are You Really Inside? A Few Thoughts on the Matter...
A few beautiful thoughts about human nature and who we really are inside.
Take Heart from the Wise & Witty Words of Dr. Johnson
Dr. Johnson was one of the wisest and most humorous men in all of English literary history. Here are 20 of his most memorable sayings.
7 Warning Signs of Low Self Esteem and Lack of Confidence
No one wants to come off as insecure or having low self-esteem. These are 7 signs that can point to low self-esteem in yourself or others.
I Read These Words to Uplift Myself...
May these beautiful words remind you how precious life truly is.
Rejoice and God Bless: The Spiritual Teaching of the Bible
These are the most comforting and inspiring words you will ever hear: the words of Jesus of Nazareth, that fill me with life and hope. Consider, and rejoice.
What Does Your Pinky Finger Reveal About You?
Discover what your pinky fingers reveal about your personality, including how you communicate and interact with the world around you.