7 Ancient Helmets That Will Blow Your Mind
In this article, we will be taking an up-close look at 7 ancient helmets and their archeological, cultural, and historical background.
Explore the Depths of Greek Wisdom in 24 Quotes
The Greeks cultivated a great philosophical tradition the resulted in some amazing insights into right living. Here are 24 pieces of wisdom for you to know.
10 Compliments Important to Give the People You Care About
. The 10 small compliments presented here don’t require many words, but they can greatly improve relationships.;
From Extinction to Resurrection: A Hopeful Story
To the abyss and back again - watch the amazing resurrection story of this ancient tree.
What You Should NOT Say to a Friend With an Ill Loved One
A list of 10 phrases its best to avoid when a friend's loved one is battling terminal illness
My Dear Friend, I Gift You This Friendship Bouquet
Sometimes in life, we fail to see what's right in front of us, and that includes how much we are loved. Watch this video to reinvigorate your appetite for life.
This Beautiful Story Shows Who the Real Heroes Are
This video touched me so deeply, and I know it will do the same for you. This video brings to light the real heroes of every day life.
Wonderful Images That Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity
We hope these 17 heartwarming images will brighten up your day and inspire you to be even more kind and loving towards others
This Father Is a Liar, The Reason Will Make You Tear Up...
This beautiful story of love between father and daughter is one you won't soon forget.
Choose an Image & Find Out What Your Fear Says About You
A quick and simple test that can tell you a lot about yourself according to your fears.
This Is a Message You Should Only Share with a True Friend
If you have a true friend, share this video with them to let them know that you appreciate them deeply.
Learn About Common Stressful Hardships Among Seniors
Older age comes with a series of hardships, some of which are minor but disturbing, and some of which are very significant..learn how you can help here!
Let Nature's Law of the Seed Serve As Your Inspiration
Our perceived failures often bog us down, but all you need to do is look to nature for a change of perspective. The Law of the Seed will show you the way.
Rejoice and God Bless: The Spiritual Teaching of the Bible
These are the most comforting and inspiring words you will ever hear: the words of Jesus of Nazareth, that fill me with life and hope. Consider, and rejoice.
If You've Known Love, This Song Will Move You...
Contemporary pop songs don't manage to convey the emotion of love like the songs of the past, but this wonderful piece does so in a charming and moving way...
Better Sleep Starts Here: Feng Shui Bedroom Guide
Improve your sleep with these amazing Feng Shui bedroom hacks.
Get in Here for Some Heartwarming Captures!
Let these captures and posts warm your heart with some positive stories.
Quotes to Inspire from the Fiercest Women in History
Quote's from inspirational women for International Women's Day.
9 Things You Should Stop Doing If You Want to Succeed
Learn the 9 things we might be doing that are holding us back from achieving success.
Find Your Inner Peace By Taking 10 Easy Steps
Achieving inner peace isn't as hard as it seems at first glance. This guide will help you find it by taking just 10 easy steps.
Inspiring! Why Letting Go is the Best Thing to Do...
There are times in our life where our only option is to let go...
10 Things You'll Regret in 10 Years' Time
From the stories and experiences of countless people, we can already know what you might regret in less than 10 years, and you can avoid it if you just know these common regrets and make the right choices today.
The Priceless Stone: A Father’s Touching Lesson
When a little boy wanted to know exactly what his value in the world was, his father had a creative way of showing him...
Inspirational Poem: Life Can Be a Struggle. Are You Ready?
These sentimental words will provide you with plenty of inspiration to face the day and every day that follows.
14 Gestures That Prove Your Spouse Still Loves You
Usually, after several decades of living together, we forget to show our partners how much we still love them, but these 14 little gestures do just that.
You Can See Inside a Woman's Heart Through Her Tears
The touching words give true insight into the significance of a woman's tear. A man who loves a woman will be able to relate to these touching words too.
The Personality Types of Famous People
This infographic shows famous people throughout history and modern times, and categorize them according to the 16 personality types invented by Carl Jung.
Nourishing vs Toxic Pleasure: What is the Difference?
Pleasure is an essential part of being human, in fact it's physically important for our health. But not all kinds of pleasure - what is toxic pleasure?
Get Inspired by Dr Dyer's 6 Life-Infusing Essential Ethics
When I am spiritually lost I return to Dr. Dyer's 6 essential principles for living a spiritually wonderful life. The 6 fruits of his wisdom are ...
Tales Older Than Time That Can and Will Change Your Life
These 20 short stories come from the great Ancient Greek philosopher Aesop, to teach us valuable lessons on how to live our lives.
The Wittiest, Wisest Quotes by Oscar Wilde!
Oscar Wilde was world famous for his wit. These quotes will show you exactly why that was...
If You Suffer From Depression, We Have Some Awards For You
People suffering from depression are forced to function normally while dealing with difficult challenges, these are the 8 "rewards" such strong people are deserving of.
30 Thoughtful Quotes by Bruce Lee to Meditate On
30 thoughtful and deep quotes by Bruce Lee, showing that he was more than just an actor and martial artist, but also a deep thinker
9 Tips to Help You Set Boundaries and Maintain Your Dignity
It won't be easy, but with these 9 tips, you can set limits without feeling bad as you'll understand how important it is for your soul.
14 Morning Mantras You Should Say to Yourself Each Day
Make it a habit to let these beautiful and meaningful mantras resonate in your soul every morning.
7 Things to Consider When Life Isn't Going Like We Planned
Remember the following 7 empowering phrases that will help you get through tough times and steer your life back in the direction you aspire to.
I Know the Recipe for Happiness: Practice These Habits!
Perhaps the best way to learn happiness is to study the habits of the happiest people. Here are 8 things they can teach all of us.
These Are The Things I Will NOT Wish You This Christmas...
This year, my wishes are more meaningful than they've ever been. I would like to wish you nothing more than the love of...
9 Things I Learned When I Stopped Trying to Please People
If you feel like you're always pleasing others, please read this article to learn how to stop.
These Beautiful Words of Wisdom Foster Positivity in Life
A little bit of motivational reading goes a long way at keeping your spirits high and your mood on the positive side.
Carrying the Burden: A Zen Tale With a Moral
A pair of Zen monks, a master and his pupil, went on a journey to visit another convent..
10 of the Greatest Gifts I've Received to Date
Life bestows many a great gift upon us, but they aren't always obvious. This post will open your eyes to the 10 greatest gifts you can receive in life.
This Beautiful Story Has a Moral at the End
If you love reading tales or stories that have a moral at the end, then we have got one heck of a treat in store for you!
Restorative Yoga: Health Benefits and 4 Simple Poses
Gentle, supportive, and therapeutic are the words that best describe restorative yoga - a yoga style that is all about emotional relaxation and healing.
Learn 8 Methods Used By Psychologists to Relieve Stress!
Psychologists also experience stress and anxiety, however, they have methods of dealing with it. Learn their methods here!
Follow This Advice and People Will Start Trusting You More
This video will show you how to become more trusted in the complex world of today.
May These Words Inspire You as Much as They Did For Me
Truly inspiring! It only takes one person to change the world.