If I feel down, lost, hopeless, and in need of motivation, I turn to the wisdom of others for guidance. These 8 inspirational quotes are my motivation. They remind me to keep moving, keep daring and never forget that my happiness is within me. I'm sharing these with you, with the hope that it’ll help you as much as it did me!
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Here Are 6 Links to Articles Full of Inspiring Words:
Creativity In Words - Beautiful Quotes!
Inspirational and Beautiful Quotes About Life
These Quotes Will Inspire You to Achieve Happiness
A Few Beautiful Thoughts about Life
In The Pursuit of Happiness This is What You Need to Know...
Striving to be happy takes work and requires a change from within, and not from without. Let these quotes inspire you to achieve your happiness.
How You Choose to Live at Present Will Affect Your Future...
These inspiring quotes will make you realize just how important the choices you make each day truly are.
Sometimes in Life, All You Need Is a New Perspective!
We all have things that really annoy us. However, in reality, we have it pretty darn good. Here are some quotes that will give you a new perspective on life.
We All Need a Little Inspiration From Time to Time
May you find inspiration in these tried and true words of wisdom.
This Man is Truly Inspiring! Take a Look at These Quotes
Mahatma Gandhi is often seen as an inspiring man most of us look to for his profound wisdom.
10 Insightful Quotes By an Inspiring Stephen Hawking
Read through Stephen Hawking's inspiring words of wisdom right here.
Food For Thought: How to Live a Life Free of Regret
You can't control everything, but you can control what you think about it and deal with your regrets in a way that will benefit your life.
Someone is Thinking About You Right Now...
You should share this special message with someone who's going through a difficult time in their life. It will help them and inspire them.
6 Thoughtful Zen Parables for Inner Enlightenment
Read these thoughtful Zen parables for a better and more uplifting life.
These Profound Quotes All Remind Us - Life Is Beautiful!
Here are 17 beautiful life quotations that we hope you will cherish just as much as we do.
11 Things We Should Stop Doing in This Life
These quotes will teach you that you cannot wait for the perfect moment to enjoy each day.
Let Go of the Past With Édith Piaf's Classic Song
Edith Piaf's "No, I regret anything" will help you break away from worries and fears, throw aside all regrets, and take an important step forward.
This Is a Message You Should Only Share with a True Friend
If you have a true friend, share this video with them to let them know that you appreciate them deeply.
Thousands of Years Ago, Aristotle Said...
Aristotle was probably the wisest man in history. Why? Well have a look at these 14 quotations and you'll begin to see why. What inspiring and deep words!
6 Toxic Relationship Habits That Seem Normal
Oftentimes, it's seemingly 'normal' habits that contribute to a toxic dynamic in your relationships. Keep an eye out for these 6 harmful behaviors.
14 Inspiring Quotes From Old Hollywood's Top Actresses
Old Hollywood is mostly remembered for the glitz and glamour. But the top actresses of Old Hollywood had some timeless lessons to share...
Embrace Gratitude: 11 Quotes to Elevate Your Life
Let's remind ourselves of the beauty of life and how fortunate we are to be right here, right now, by reading though 11 gorgeous, wise quotes on gratitude.
These Photos Will Make You Admit That Life Is Beautiful
These photos show us the true beauty of life - one that is filled with kindness and happiness.
These Deep Quotes Will Make You Pause and Think
Read these wise quotes for some inspiration!
12 Life-Ruining Thoughts We Must Banish Now
You may recognize some of these toxic thoughts, we all have them. This is how to get rid of them.
10 Compliments Important to Give the People You Care About
. The 10 small compliments presented here don’t require many words, but they can greatly improve relationships.;
Do These 5 Things Today to Wake Up to a New Life Tomorrow
Stop and ask yourself a small, important question. When was the last time you felt happy?
This Beautiful Tale has a Strong Lesson to Teach Us All
This inspirational tale tells the story of a young woman who got advice from a wise old storyteller. This moral is one we can all learn from.
If You've Known Love, This Song Will Move You...
Contemporary pop songs don't manage to convey the emotion of love like the songs of the past, but this wonderful piece does so in a charming and moving way...
You Won't Believe How Much Your Body Parts Say About You
Did you know that there are many body parts that can actually give off messages regarding our personalities?
Would You Call God If He Had a Phone Number? Inspiring!
Each night, before I sleep, I converse with God. This is what I say.
Color Therapy: How To Make Your Home a More Joyful Place
The research in color psychology and therapy shows that you can alter your mood by adding color to your home. Here's how it works...
Wish Your Loved Ones a Happy Valentine's Day Card!
Choose from our lovely selection of greeting cards and share your deepest wishes with your friends and family, to celebrate this love-filled time of the year!
Interactive: What Does Your Zodiac Sun Sign Say About You?
his animated guide will ask you to select a zodiac sign and then open a big load of information and media for you to enjoy
Get Inspired by These Lovely Words – 14 Pics
Read these positive and uplifting words of wisdom to get inspired.
May Your Life be Blessed with Strength and Courage
You are more courageous than you think. Here's a message that will inspire you.
Words of Wisdom: Life and Love in Egyptian Proverbs
These timeless Egyptian proverbs have deep meanings.
The Words of This German Spiritualist Are Fascinating...
Quotes from spiritual mentor Eckhart Tolle will lead you on the path to happiness, peace, and love.
These Beautiful Thoughts Set Me Off Into Deep Pondering...
Let these quotes and thoughts fill your mind and heart.
10 of the Greatest Gifts I've Received to Date
Life bestows many a great gift upon us, but they aren't always obvious. This post will open your eyes to the 10 greatest gifts you can receive in life.
Anger Always Comes Back: An Important Story!
This story will teach you the importance of staying positive and not passing on anger to those around you!
Everyone Needs to Know the Magic They Make You Feel
Because you wish them all the best, because they help you and work so hard, you just want to show your friend that you love them...
To a Special Friend! Thank You for Being in My Life
Celebrate friendship by sending a heartfelt greeting to a great friend.
What Does Your Zodiac Sign Say About Your Financial Habit?
Is your financial situation dependent on the stars?
I Just Wanted to Say: I Love My Family
For a lot of people, family bonds run a whole lot deeper than just blood. If you feel this way about your family, be sure to share this greeting with them.
How You Choose to Live at Present Will Affect Your Future...
These inspiring quotes will make you realize just how important the choices you make each day truly are.
A 4-Step Guide to Being Happier With Who You Are
This guide will teach you how to live a better life with yourself.
How Gratitude Fills Your Life with Blessings...
After all, it has been wisely said that to err is human but to forgive is divine.
10 Life Lessons My Father Taught Me
Mark decided it would be valuable to share advice that originated from conversations with his own father decades ago.
18 Wholesome Messages Found in Unexpected Street Corners
We found these inspiring street messages that will help lift you up.
14 Agatha Christie Quotes That Will Make You Think
Agatha Chritie gave us some pretty memorable words, as remarkable people often do. Here are some of the most inspiring, introspective and entertaining ones
Have You Heard This Beautiful Old African Story?
This old African story hits home in a way that you would never expect it to...