These Adorable Animal-Friends are Incredibly Heartwarming
Enjoy 16 heartwarming photos of animal friends.
These Gorgeous Birds Can Be Found in India!
If you're a bird lover, then few places on this planet are more ideal for you than India. Find out why here.
Have You Ever Seen Anything Cuter Than a Sleeping Owlet?
Baby owls can’t sleep upright as their heads are too heavy. So until they grow large enough they sleep on their tummy and the internet can't get enough of it.
This Super Smart Raven is Definitely No Birdbrain
We knew that ravens are smart. But this video proves that they are possibly the most intelligent birds on our planet.
Travel the Deepest Jungles and Highest Mountains
We invite you to partake in the glory of the beauty of the earth. Enjoy a playlist of calming music with crisp, high-resolution videos of wildlife and vistas.
These Adorable Animals Sure Know the Importance of Family!
The concept of family was hardly invented by humans. Animals know just as well as we do the importance of loving and spending time with your family.
Find Out More About North American Butterflies Here
Mankind has always been fascinated by butterflies and that fascination hasn't died down today. Take a look at these informative images.
Some Flowers Are Absolutely Stunning - Like These Beauties
The petals on these flowers make such beautiful ornaments that you'll wish you were a bee.
Behold 15 of Most Stunning Pigeons and Doves
We’ve compiled 15 of the most exquisite and graceful pigeons and doves in the world, both wild and human-bred, for you to discover and delight in.
Click to Turn These Little Animal Pups to Adults...
Do you know what these adorable animals looked like when they were younger?
This Collection of Dog Facts Will Definitely Surprise You
If you think you know a lot about dogs, think again. These 16 surprising facts will open your eyes and give you insight into our best friend's world.
You Won't Find More Beautiful Parrots in the World...
There are around 350 different species of parrots in the world. Here you will find 10 of the most beautiful!
Gaze in Wonder at These 35 Amazing Photos of North America
North America has so much wonderful natural variety that it's easy to see why many believe it was blessed by God himself. Here are 35 amazing photos.
A Woman's Backyard Receives Many Beautiful Bird Visitors
Ostdrossel makes different items using candid photographs of beautiful birds captured on her backyards feeder cam
What Did These Breeds Look Like a Century Ago?
Certain breeds of dogs have changed a lot over the last century. Check out some of their evolutionary changes here.
Slovakia is Nature’s Masterpiece! (12 Gorgeous Photos)
Photographer captures breathtaking nature photographs from Slovakia. Take a look at some of his best ones.
Up Close and Personal with Majestic Animals (16 Pics)
Finnish photographer Konsta Punkka captures stunning close-up portraits of wild animals.
Are These the Coolest 70 Year Olds Ever?
These women have made their livelihoods by hunting sea snakes on the coast of their island.
Horse Kingdom: Exploring the 15 Most Stunning Horse Breeds
Many beautiful horse breeds have been developed over the course of the centuries, but some are more beautiful than others... Take a look.
This Incredible Bird Can Make Any Sound it Likes!
This classic Attenborough scene is of the most amazing bird in the world. Just listen to the sound(s) it makes! Cover image by Vern / flickr
The World is Better With Squirrels In It!
This funny and cute squirrel compilation will bring a big smile to that face of yours. We guarantee it!
These Are the Most Expensive Gems and Minerals on Earth
There are millions of stunning gems in this world that decorate our jewelry, but you won't find these super rare rocks in any jewelry store!
Graceful Margay: The Elusive Feline of the Rainforest
Meet the Margay, the most arboreal cat in the world.
This Post Will Clear Up Any Misconceptions About Dogs
There are numerous misconceptions concerning the best ways that we should interact with dogs. This post will definitely clear everything up.
11 Incredible Animals with Even More Incredible Abilities!
Forget imaginary superheros and science fiction! These real animals have their own super powers and abilities such as camouflage, immortality and more!
The Worst Earthquakes in History - a Nightmare Turned Real
On this list, we feature 9 of the most devastating and deadly earthquakes in history - in rising order according to the Richter scale.
If You Love Dogs, You'll Love Learning This About Them..
I love dogs, and so I love learning about them. These facts have really surprised me.
10 Horses That'll Astound You With Their Beauty
Man and horse have had a natural companionship for centuries. Here are 10 of the world's most beautiful horses.
Nature's Engineering Marvel: World's Largest Beaver Dam
A Canadian beaver family has built a dam that can be seen from space! But how is that possible?
9 of the Most Fascinating Night-Singing Birds
Enter the fascinating world of birds that chirp mellifluously at night.
The Colors of Nature Are Truly Spectacular
Sometimes, those that differ from the crowd shine the brightest, as these unique brightly-colored animals prove.
Remarkable Winners of the Insect Week Photography 2023
Check out the amazing winning shots from the Insect Week Photography Competition.
Witness the Magical Views of Norway's Northern Islands
The amazing place you are about to see in this video is Svalbard - an archipelago that is in the northernmost part of the entire kingdom of Norway.
Cactuses Have Flowers So Beautiful and Different...
This videos will show you the true beauty of cacti flowers.
Meet the Most Amazing Architects of the Animal Kingdom
Take a look at some of the weirdest and most wonderful bird nests from the animal kingdom.
Is There a More Beautiful Creature Than the Proud Peacock?
Some may argue that the peacock is the most beautiful bird in the world. The colors of the peacock is where nature truly shines...
This Incredible Animal Video Had Millions Talking About It!
From the moment these baby iguanas hatch, they are faced with a life or death situation. Can they survive the snake gauntlet?
Wild Nature: Young Elephant Fends Off 14 Lions Unharmed
How an elephant convinces a group of lions that this is not an animal worth tangling with...
15 Flowers that Smell So Good, Your Garden Must Have Them
Your ultimate guide to selecting flowers, plants and herbs for an aromatic outdoor space.
COLLECTION: World's Most Beautiful Trees and Forests
Witness the boundless power and beauty of nature by looking through this curated collection of the most breathtaking photos of forests and trees
The Icy Reaches of Antarctica Are Breathtakingly Beautiful
Antarctica is a continent completely covered in a thick layer of ice. It is harsh, cold, and majestic.
Far, Far Away, There's a Land Where Pandas Roam Free...
Giant pandas are highly endangered, however there's a beautiful sanctuary in China devoted to ensuring that population numbers are boosted. See the photos.
The Deadliest Volcanic Eruptions in Human History
Volcanoes are one of Mother Nature's deadliest phenomena. Here are the 5 most deadliest volcanic eruptions in human history.
Animal Dreams: The Funny Ways Animals Sleep
In this humor-filled video, we're going to explore some animals with fascinating, silly and downright bizarre ways some animals go about the act of sleep.
Beautiful: How Your Dog Sees You Vs. How You See Yourself
Although we can feel down in the dumps about ourselves sometimes, our dogs will always keep their faith in us and see us as their heroes.
The Most Frightening and Bizarre Creatures of the Ocean
Terrifying and alien creatures of the dark depths of the ocean