Mount Jokes

The book about Mount Everest had quite a cliff hanger.
What is age, but something to count?
Some people fight it, like climbing a mount.
I choose to live, with dignity and grace,
And offer a drink, to all in this place.

(Julie Hebert)
Approximately how many Egyptians can be fitted inside a pyramid? A pharaoh mount.
Were you forged in the fires of Mount Doom? Because you're precious to me.
Have you seen the picture of Mount Rushmore before it was carved
It’s completely unprecedented.
Fancy a climb? Mount me in.
The book on Mount Everest was super interesting because it had so many cliffhangers.
What world-famous rock group has four guys that don't even sing? Mount Rushmore.
I would love climbing to the peak of Mount Everest, but I do not see the point.
Your hair is like a flock of goats descending from Mount Gilead.