Space Puns

Strap your helmet on and check your O2 levels, because we're leaving earth for the best space puns online!

Space Puns

What do you call a meal from the moon?
A satellite dish.
Why is the moon a wanted criminal?
It’s constantly mooning people.
What time do spacemen get up? Alien in the morning.
Have you heard the one about the spaceship that came to Earth?
Never mind its over your head.
It is difficult to hold up a trouser. How does Jupiter does it? Simply, with an asteroid belt.
Why didnt the moon have any more to eat.
Becuase it was full
When does the moon gets his/her stomach full? During full moon.
What do you call two celebrities who get into a gun fight?
One is a shooting star, and the other is a falling star.
I debated a flat earther once. He stormed off saying he’d walk to the edge of the Earth to prove me wrong.
He’ll come around eventually.
How does one astronaut on the moon tell another astronaut that he is sorry?

He apollo-gises.
What does Earth get on Earth day ?
A birthday quake !
What do moon people do after they get married?What do moon people do after they get married?

Go on their honeyearth.
Where do the astronauts park their vehicles? At the parking meteors.
Why do you think is the moon bald? Because it has no ‘air.
Which candy do astronauts like? Marsbar.
How can astronauts get more protein in their diet? They make it meteor.
A space fish is usually called starfish.
Is that the Dog star? You can’t be Sirius!
How will you come to know when the moon will go broke? It would happen when moon is down to its last quarter.
How much far can you see with your naked eyes, on a clear day? 92,955,807 miles (to the sun).
Why does Moon goes to the bank? To change his quarters.
How will you make a baby astronaut fall asleep peacefully? Rock-et.
The sun is mad at the clouds because the clouds keep throwing shade.
My daughter asked me, "Why are the two planets coming close together?"
"Well, you see... When two planets love each other they can come together in holy astro nomy."
How do you put a baby astronaut to sleep?
You rocket.
What are Astronauts doing when they do a mistake?
They Apollogize
The earth's rotation really makes my day.
Have you heard about some bones on the moon? Looks like the cow couldn’t make it after all.
When astronauts die, the local papers run an orbituary.
What kind of tropical fruit wants to visit the moon?
A Coco-naut
Why did the Sun never got into college? Because it already has quite a million degrees!
Have you heard about the chef on space station? He’s not that much of an astronaut, but his food is literally out of this world!
What all kinds of stars wear the sunglasses? The movie stars.
There's this vampire who's more powerful than any other, because he can't be hurt by the sun
All other vampires pale in comparison.
What will you do when you will see a spaceman? You will simply park your car, man!
There’s a big thunderstorm. The road is blocked by a big mudslide. A little boy asks his dad, “Why does earth fall down like that?”
His dad answers, “It’s terrain.”
Why did the cosmonaut take his dog to the vet?
He came down with a stellar case of lunar tics.
What is suns favorite chocolate bar?
A milky way.
Why does NASA give astronauts pencils to use in space?
Because they've got the Write Stuff.
Living on Earth might be expensive. But we surely get a free trip around the sun every year!
Which hot drinks space people like? Gravi-tea.
How many astronomers will it take to just change a lightbulb? None, they like the dark.
Dud you know Astronauts said steaks are better in space?
They're a little meteor.
What will you call a crazy spaceman? An astronaut.
An astronaut broke up with his girlfriend
Apparently he didn't love her to the moon and back.
If an astronaut steps on chewing gum then what will happen to him? He will simply be stuck on the Orbit.
What currency do astronauts use in space?
Well, there are mixed reviews. People say the food is great. But there is no atmosphere or ambience.
I telephoned the tennis star Serena Williams for an interview and asked her, “What’s your favourite planet?”
Her: It’s Venus.

Me: Sorry Venus, would you put Serena on the phone?
Sun to Earth, on the night of 31st December:
"Let's have another round, shall we?"