Space Puns

Strap your helmet on and check your O2 levels, because we're leaving earth for the best space puns online!

Space Puns

Beer is the greatest beverage on earth.
That's my pint of view, anyway.
Why did you guys not laugh at my space puns? Because there way to Sirius.
What currency do astronauts use in space?
Where do the astronauts park their vehicles? At the parking meteors.
How does the moon cut his hair?
Eclipse it.
Why will you not want to give a bath to the Saturn? It would then leave a ring around the tub.
Mountains aren't just funny.
They're hill areas.
Last night I was but by a bloodsucker from the moon.
Damn lunatics.
How will you save yourself if you come across an aggressive alien? Give him some space.
What do you call an alien spaceship that's leaking water?
A crying saucer.
How did the aliens hurt the farmer?
They trod on his corn.
Why did Neil Armstrong pee right after he made his first step on the moon?
He wanted to go where no man had gone before.
Old astronomers got so tired of waiting for the sun to go down, that they decided to pack it up and call it a day.
What if the earth was both round and flat?
Would it be called cylindearth?
Living costs on the moon would probably be out of this world.
What do you call people who go to space? Icetronauts.
Warning! Do not look at the sun through a colander.
You'll strain your eyes.
Do scientists who study the sun have a flare for research?
What do you call an overweight alien?
An extra cholesterol.
I got an e-mail saying, "At Google Earth we can read maps backwards!" and I thought to myself...
“That’s just spam.”
What is an astronaut's favorite candy bar?
Milky way.
Have you heard about the latest restaurant that opened up on moon?
No, how is that restaurant?
Why don't aliens get hungry after being blasted into space?
Because they've just had a big launch.
The sun is mad at the clouds because the clouds keep throwing shade.
Where do you think the astronauts keep their sandwiches? In the launch-box.
What does Earth get on Earth day ?
A birthday quake !
What is suns favorite chocolate bar?
A milky way.
Scientists permit us to see the sun in different light.
Got my friend an unnecessarily large rocket for bonfire night.

He's over the moon!He's over the moon!
What kind of light goes around the earth? A Satel-lite.
What did Mars tell to Saturn? Give me a ring sometime!
Well, there are mixed reviews. People say the food is great. But there is no atmosphere or ambience.
What is a lightyear?
The same as a regular year, but with less calories.
He knew literally everything about the constellations. Some might even say that his knowledge of the night sky was astronomical.
When does the moon gets his/her stomach full? During full moon.
Sun to Earth, on the night of 31st December:
"Let's have another round, shall we?"
Did you know milk is the fastest liquid on the planet?
It's pasteurized before you see it.
What will you call a crazy spaceman? An astronaut.
Those who study the moon for their course or as a habit, are optimists. And that is because they look at the brighter side always.
Why haven't the aliens visited earth yet?
They read the reviews... only one star.
Whats the first day of the week called in outer space?

What various kinds of fishes live in space? Starfish.
The satellite went into the orbit, right on January 1st, causing a New Year’s revolution.
Elon Musk is now the richest person on the planet.
Space X has really taken off this past year.
This year, I've really enjoyed watching 'Planet Earth'.
It's a shame that it only has four seasons.
An astronaut broke up with his girlfriend
Apparently he didn't love her to the moon and back.
How does the sun say hi to the moon?
With a heat wave!
What planet is next to Uranus?
Dud you know Astronauts said steaks are better in space?
They're a little meteor.
What do you call the Earth when it is quaking?