Funny Shopping Pick Up Lines

WIth these pick up lines, no trip to the store will be boring ever again!

Funny Shopping Pick Up Lines

Does your Dad own Snapple, because you're made of the best stuff on earth?
Want to go shopping? Today only there's a special deal: 30% off on my heart!
I think you are suffering from a lack of Vitamin Me.
I’m a man at a farmers' market. Of course, I’m a catch.
I forgot my reusable bag, can I borrow one of yours?
Are you an Advil? Cause I'd like to take you every 2-4 hours.
Are you a box of BD pen needles? Because you are ultra-fine.
I actually prefer that life give me lemons so that I can make a pretty lady like you some lemonade on a hot Summer's day.
I couldn’t help but notice that you’ve got 3 bags of Cool Ranch Doritos in your basket. Marry me?
Baby, there ain't no placebo for what I can give you.
I hate oranges. Will you be my main squeeze?
Baby, you better get out of that express lane, 'cause you're all that *and* a bag of chips.
Hey girl, did you know I'm a cashier?
Because I'm totally checking you out.
You can have that last bag of chips if I can bag your number.
Let's 'bag' this place and go get a coffee. And yes, I am proud of that pun.
Hey I need a female opinion - what do you think would look better on me, this or this?
Did you ever notice that supermarket music is actually ideal for slow dancing with strangers?
You're so pharma-cute-ical!
Can I be your next varietal?
Mmm, these honey samples are so mouthwatering.
Reading a shopping list, eh? I see we're both fans of the classics.
Okay, here’s the deal: I’ll let you take the last stuffed crust frozen pizza if you let me take you to dinner. At your house. Where we’ll be having frozen pizza.
What are you doing hanging out in aisle 3? You clearly belong in aisle 9. Aisle 10 is within arm's reach but that all depends on whether or not you'll have dinner with me.
Want to show me how to make steamy greens?
Can I bother you for an aspirin tablet? Just looking at you from across the room is giving me heart-related pains.
I just tossed a penny into the fountain, want to make my wish come true?
Do you prefer organic or local? Because I’m both.
Not sure what my creatinine clearance is, but I just can't get you out of my system.
For that special cashier:
Since you're checking me out why don't we go to the movies?
If you look at the map of my heart, it says 'You are here.'
Can I take your temperature? You’re looking hot today.
How do you know when an avocado is ripe?