Science Pick Up Lines

These funny science pick up lines are so funny and terrible they may just work!

Science Pick Up Lines

According to the multiverse theory, there’s at least one universe where we end up together. Do you want this universe to be one of them?
If I freeze, it's not a computer virus. I was just stunned by your beauty.
If we are both math majors, then why is there so much chemistry between us?
You are such a perfect arrangement of atoms.
I’m more interested in you than the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.
Are you a volcano? Because I lava you so much!
I want to stick to you like cyanoacrylate.
Kiss me if I’m wrong, but trilobites still exist, right?
As I only have two factors, I’m the prime candidate for you.
By any chance, is your atomic number 11? Well, it’s because you are sodium fine!
My love for you is like the Spanish Armada – unsinkable!
Are you a 45-degree angle, because you’re perfect.
If you were a dynamically allocated variable in a C++ program, you'd create a leak. Because I'd never delete you from my life.
I'm attracted to you like the Earth is attracted to the Sun - with a large force inversely proportional to the distance squared.
I wish your name was Avogadro because then I would already know your number.
I’m not part of the Prohibition Movement. You can speakeasy to me.
Do you want to share some valence electrons? This way, we can have a stable relationship.
The square root of all my fantasies is you.
If four plus four equals eight, then me plus you equals fate.
Like the ideal vacuum, you’re the only thing in my universe.
I heard you like math, so what’s the sum of U+Me?
Do you want to be my lab partner? I think we could have some great chemistry together.
I was supposed to solve for X. I am so glad that I found U instead.
Hi, I’m a T-cell, and I’m here to protect you from everything.
Shouldn’t we be carbon dating right now? Let’s get on with it.
Hey girl…
Can I call-cu-later?
According to Newton’s law of universal gravitation, If I’m attracted to you, then you’re attracted to me.
Your infectious smile puts cholera to shame.
Heisenberg was wrong. I'm certain about what you're doing tonight.
My feelings for you have grown exponentially.
The Tsar Bomba, the most powerful nuclear explosive in recorded history, has an output of 57 megatons of TNT
And that pales in comparison to how much of a bombshell you are.
I think my heart just lagged.
Are you p>0.5, because I’d never reject you.
Without you, I’m like a null set… Empty.
You are the HCl to my NaOH. With our sweet love, we could make an ocean together.
If there was no gravity on this planet, I would still fall for you.
Lava is red and tsunamis are blue. If I had to choose a case study, I’d choose you.
Why don’t we use some Fourier analysis on our relationship and reduce to a series of simple periodic functions?
Can you tell me the oxidation state of this atom? If you can’t, then you can tell me your phone number instead?
Baby, you rock my world!
I was working on my family history. Do you think it's too early to list you as a spouse?
Girl, if I am epsilon, will you be my delta?
Baby, you’re like a student and I am like a math book, you solve all my problems.
Did your parents work on The Manhattan Project? Because you’re the bomb!
I want to stick to you like glucose.
Did you invent the airplane? ‘Cause, you seem Wright to me.
You must be copper because I could really CU ending up with me.
Just like a blue supergiant star, you’re exceedingly hot and extremely bright.
You’re so hot you make my lab goggles fog up.
If I told you that you have a wonderful antibody, would you hold it against me?