Nerdy Pick Up Lines

Wipe your glasses and prepare your favorite zit cream, we're going to enjoy some truly cringy nerdy pick up lines from the best of the dorks!

Nerdy Pick Up Lines

I wish I was an ion, so I could form an exothermic bond with you.
Baby, I'm a dependent clause, and all I need is you.
Are you a bookmark? Because I keep rereading the pages you are on!
I don’t know how to spell beautiful. all I know is without u, it’s impossible.
It’s a good thing I have my library card because I am totally checking you out.
With conjunctions, you and I can be together.
Is your name Ariel? Because I think we mermaid for each other.
Do you wanna go to a restaurant?
You can't spell “menu” without me and u.
You're so hot you melt the elastic in my underwear.
Hey babe, wanna make a zygote?
We have such great chemistry that we should do some biology together.
What's the use of having the best phone, but not having my number?
Can I call you "whom"? Because you're the object — of my affections.
If it was 1984, and I was Big Brother, I'd only watch you.
I must be a diamond now, because you just gave me a hardness of 10.
"Don't ever think I fell for you, or fell over you. I didn't fall in love, I rose in it."
― Toni Morrison, Jazz
Do you like interjections? YES? NO! GOOD!
I was hoping you wouldn't block my pop-up. You must've been made by Intel to be that hot!
Is your name Scarlett? Because when I saw you my heart was gone with the wind.
Are you made of beryllium, gold, and titanium? Because you are BeAuTi-ful.
Did I just step into an E. M. Forster novel? Because any room with you in it is A Room with a View.
Without you, I feel like a fragment. Incomplete.
Wanna have a bath with me.. you can play with my rubber dickie.
I know the difference between "less" and "fewer," but don't worry, you won't have to ask me for either of them.
Come, let’s measure the coefficient of friction between us.
Are you a verb? Because you look a little tense, but I can put you in the mood.
Your clothes would look better accelerating towards the floor at 9.8 m/s.
Is it hot in here or did you just use 'whom' correctly?
What's a girl like you doing in a place like this when there's a Battlestar Gallactica marathon on right now on the Sci Fi channel.
Are you a carbon sample? Because I want to date you.
Are you an audiobook? Because I want to listen to you forever.
My favorite attractive force is Van der Waal's force. Can you feel it? I'll move closer if you can't.
I'm definitely in the range of your hotspot. How about you let me connect and get full access.
Forget hydrogen, you're my number one element.
"Want to come see my HARD DRIVE? I promise it isn't 3.5 inches and it ain't floppy."
Walk by a girl and say "Are you looking at me? And if she says no say "Damn!" You had me at your impeccable spelling and correct use of grammar.
Baby, if you were words on a page, you’d be fine print.
Your lab or my lab?
I know that 70% of the human body is composed of H2O, but the tall drink of water I'm looking at is probably 97%.
70 percent of the human body is made up of water and im very thirsty.
Hey, so how do you spell your name?
OK, and how do you spell your number?
Here is my libary card, because im checking you out.
Jedi Mind Trick: "This is the geek you're looking for." waves hand.
"Do I love you? My god, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."
— William Goldman, The Princess Bride
You must be a narrative hook. Because you’re stuck in my mind.
Hey baby, wanna violate the Pauli Exclusion Principle with me?
Damn girl, I must be reading a book because you are FINE print.
Are you Charlotte Brönte? Because you're a breath of fresh Eyre.
Are you into science? Because I lab you so much!
Have you seen any linking verbs around here? Because you are my complement and I want to connect.