Holiday Pick Up Lines

Get in the holiday spirit with these pick up lines

Holiday Pick Up Lines

Are you the 4th of July? 'Cause I'm feeling fireworks between us.
If you were a jack-o'-lantern, I'd totally light your candle.
I can’t find a costume for Halloween, so can I just go as your boyfriend?
So, what do you turn into at midnight?
I know Benjamin Franklin.
Forget about pumpkin, you’re the only cutie pie I need.
Hey girl, if you were a turkey you'd only need minimal basting because you're already so juicy.
Yo girl are you the 29th state added to America?
Because Iowanna be with anybody else
Your smile is brighter than the fireworks on the 4th of July.
You’re what I’m most thankful for this year.
Baby, I didn't buy any fireworks this year, because you're the only one who lights up my sky.
I've got some wicked feelings brewing for you.
Do you know what I did last night? I put Easter eggs in a heart shape for you to find!
May I ride your broomstick? I lost mine.
Want to break the wishbone? I’m wishing for a date with you.
You're like fireworks: smokin' hot, fun, and radiant.
I want to ask you out, but I’ve got butterflies in my stomach. And worms. And maggots…
Are you a ghost? Because you’ve been haunting my dreams.
Hey Cinderella, must be time I took you home. It’s nearly midnight!
If you ask me if I love you I'll have to plead the 5th. Don't want to incriminate myself.
I came here looking for a little tail.
Ooh, you look boo-tilicious!
Hey, Are you made of candy? Because you look sooo sweet!
If you can tell me the difference between Flag Day and the 4th of July, I will buy you a drink.
Tricks aren’t really my thing. But you’re sure a treat.
You're not just some bunny... you're my bunny.
My entire family keeps asking why I’m still single. Want to help me change that?
Hey baby, you’ve captured my eye. Could I have it back?
I heard there is a vampire on the loose, you better stay with me.
I didn’t know that my favorite Halloween treat came in life size!
I'd start a revolution for your number.
No costume? Oh you lucky girl, you don’t need Halloween. You look like an angel every day.
You must be tired, because you’ve been running through my nightmares all night!
You read, white, and blew my mind.
You’re just like how I like my potatoes — sweet.
Can I buy you an Easter Egg?
Thanksgiving is over… Want to watch Christmas movies and chill?
That skeleton over there wanted to ask you for your number, but, unlike me, he didn’t have the guts
Til death do us part and then some, dear.
Sir William Howe... are you doing?
I'm on a hunt - for your number.
Baby, you remind me of the constitution, because you look like a national treasure.
You're a good egg.
Girl, you're so beautiful. I'd cross the Delaware River to be with you.
You must be a Candy bar because you appease me.
Wow, You must be the pretty princess the evil queen is trying to get rid of.
Do you know how to hop? Because your body is in top form.
Your treat or mine?
I'm arresting you for breaking the 8th amendment because you...are excessively fine!
Let me give you another reason to feel thankful this year. 😏