Ear Puns

Welcome to our Ear Puns, I'm sure you've heard all about it...

Ear Puns

Condoms are like ear muffs.
They prevent a lot of noise.
What has ears but cannot hear?
A field of corn.
What do you call an ear with no eyes
No-eyed ear
Why did the kid put the dinky car in his ear?
Because he wanted to give it a wax job.
My mate had an accident and lost his ear. The doctors were able to graft on a new one made of pig skin.
His hearing is now quite fine, but every now and then he gets some crackling.
My wife just now: Do men's ears actually work or are they just for decoration?
Me: 'What?'
After making love the other night, I told my spouse that I love when the whisper sweet things in my ear...
So my spouse leaned in close and whispered..."Syrup."
What did the ear of corn say when all of its clothes fell off?
Awe shucks!
What did Van Gogh name the ear he didn't cut off?
Van Stay.
A man goes to the doctors and says " Doc, I'm having problems with my ears, I think I'm going deaf".
The Doc says " Can you tell me the symptoms?"

The man replies, " Well, Homer's the big fat bloke, and Marge has blue hair!"
I have six eyes, two mouths and three ears, what am I?
There's a serious ear condition that dogs can get, it makes their ears ring all the time.
It's called Rin-Tin-Tinnitus.
What do you call Bears without ears
What do you call a giant gorilla with pean u t butter in one ear and Jam in the other?
Anything you want, he's not going to hear you!
How many ears does Spok have?
Three. The left ear, the right ear and The Final Frontier.
What do you call someone with fruit in one ear and whipped cream in the other?
A trifle deaf.
Thankfully evolution gave us ears a million years ago...
Now we finally get to use them to wear masks.
I told the doctor I was deaf in my left ear he said 'are you sure?'
Then I said 'I'm definite."