Color Puns

These color puns will brighten your day.

Color Puns

The snow leopard appeared just at the time our guide predicted it. It appeared white on time!
Elephant boxing matches are very difficult to watch. It becomes tough to identify as both have grey trunks!
A mixture of black, white, and red usually refers to a panda who has experienced severe sunburn!
The garden where only white cars are driven can be called a garden of white carnation.
My friend was going to a painting competition, so I wished him, "Grey the force be with you".
When facing trouble in the workspace, all the colorists rallied together by saying, "Come what grey, we will overcome all obstacles!"
I had never seen a horse that white. Perhaps, that is why it is called a mayo-neighs.
The painter did not want to sit idle because he knew that time white for no one.
Dark-colored huskies found in Colorado can also be termed as dusky huskies!
The only thing that is black and white and has to be red all over is a newspaper.
Blackboards love drinking beverages, especially hot white chalk-olate!
Aliens hate playing golf in space as there are too many black holes!
Roses are red, violets are blue, I ain't no poet, but neither are you.
The coffee shop owner was afraid. He wanted to know if the shop had ground to operate in the black.
Q. What do you get when you combine Blue Agave and literature?
A. Tequila Mockingbird
After bidding farewell to my neurosurgeon friend, we promised that we would grey in touch!
I was surprised that although I was supposed to be feeling blue, my heart was not that heavy. Perhaps, I am feeling light blue.
Wind turbine mechanics and engineers are very fond of the blew color!
Q. What did the bully do to the orange?
A. Beat him to a pulp.
Cows get sad whenever they hear the songs of the pop band 'The Mooooo-dy Blues!'
My favorite denim blue jeans just turned brown. I think I will have to call it Dung-arees!
Q. Why are orange jokes so dumb?
A. Because oranges are afraid to concentrate.
I was under the blues, so I had to blue my nose occasionally.
Q. Which African animal is the oldest?
A. The zebra. 'Cause it's in black and white.
Q. What did one artistic colored pencil say to another?
A. Bro, you are lookin' sharp today!
Q. Where do red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet crayons like to go hiking?
A. Colorado.
I was watching a movie when the screen started to emit blue light. Guess this is one of the cons of watching movies on Blue Ray.
Blue jeans are immortal. They never die, they just fade away!
Blue and orange are always polite and amicable with each other because they are complementary colors.
Why are artists so temperamental? They have to get into the right frame of mind.
One should never mix oranges in apple juice. Well, perhaps you may do it once in a blue moon.
The most notorious one of all pirates was very sad. It may have been because he was Bluebeard!
A bear's least favorite pastry at any party is the blue bear-y pie.
Q. Which dinosaur species has deep blue-green feathers?
A. Teal-Rex.
Q. What is a mime's favorite time of the day?
A. Dusk, because all the colors are muted.
Q. What do you get when a swine artist mixes two colors together?
A. Pigment.
Q. Which famous magician always wore a multi-color suit on stage?
A. Hue-dini.
My colleague kept on missing deadlines, so I advised him not to bite off more than he can blue!
The favorite fruit of all ghost's are Bloooooo-berries!
The computer had to visit the dentist at the very earliest opportunity as it had a BlueTooth!
When the time came, he betrayed our team and showed his blue colors.
While building a house, the architect took his fingers and dipped them in a jar of blue ink. He wanted to get the blueprints!
It's tough to tell if the sky is ever happy or not. It always looks so blue!
A small step for cyan, a giant leap for bluemanity.
I'd hate to be the bearer of bad blues.
My least favourite hue is purple. It's worse than red and blue combined.
When the well-read bird decided to open a restaurant, he named it Red Robin.
Librarians don't like drinking white wine. They prefer the well red ones!
TV news anchors love the shades of red. They get serious whenever there is Burgundy.
When I broke my brother's favorite toy, he turned absolutely red in anger.