Art Puns

Have a colorful time with these punny art puns.

Art Puns

Blackboards love drinking beverages, especially hot white chalk-olate!
I was sick, and my whole body turned colorful. The doctor took a look and said that I had a color infection, which is caused by the Crayola virus.s
Once I tried to paint the sky but I blue it.
The Earth without 'art'... 'EH'
I knew a guy who gave away his art but he only seemed to paint ducks with incomplete faces.
I asked about it once and he said "I like to bill them later."
The fact that we were asked to leave our beautiful purple color house by the owner is still purplexing for me.
Why are artists so temperamental? They have to get into the right frame of mind.
Failed my art exam by using the wrong pencil.
It wasn't 2b.
Why was the painter upset when his doctor bought all of his paintings? The doctor thought the paintings would go up in value after his death.
When I went into my art lesson covered in yeast and flower, my teacher said I was the perfect roll-model.
My sister was diagnosed as color blind. The revelation really came out of the blue.
What did the painter say to the wall? Another crack like that and I'll have to plaster you!
Building a good makeup design always starts with a good foundation.
Today, we had to create a new hang position for some lighting fixtures. After all day trying, we couldn't get the new batten hung properly.

Turns out it was just a pipe dream.
Colors laugh by saying, "Hue Hue Hue."
Q: What do you do with unruly green kids?

A: Make them do limeout.
Q. What do you get when a swine artist mixes two colors together?
A. Pigment.
My friend impresses girls by drawing realistic pictures of trucks. He's a pickup artist!
The painting was framed, so the cops arrested it.
What do you call a crimson-colored fish wearing a hat?
A red herring...
Great news! I'm a movie director now! I gave stellar directions to a very lovely family on their way to the theatre.
The sun's favorite color is ultraviolet. Apparently, it glows with everything.
Blue jeans are immortal. They never die, they just fade away!
What do you call a chameleon that can't change colors?
A reptile dysfunction.
Why did the portrait artist take a side job as a census taker? Because he was great at canvassing people.
The color of the sky can help in predicting the weather. It gives a fair report of the hue-midity.
Why did the artist get into a heated argument with the gallery curator? He just wasn't in the right frame of mind.
The skeleton would love to see the latest horror flick, but he just doesn't have the guts for it.
An actor I know fell through the floor recently. It's just a stage he was going through.
All theatres love to see scarecrows out in the audience as reviewers! They're simply outstanding in their field.
While building a house, the architect took his fingers and dipped them in a jar of blue ink. He wanted to get the blueprints!
What's a lion's favorite color?
What did the art teacher say to the aspiring actress? You sure look the art.
When the time came, he betrayed our team and showed his blue colors.
I tried to come up with a funny theatre joke, but it was all just an act.
A pig and a horse walk into a movie theater.
The horse didn't feel like buying popcorn so he brought some hay. A theater employee saw him and said. "Are you sneaking outside food into the theater?"

The horse said "nay."

The pig squealed.
I'm still figuring out how to properly wear a face covering. Before I could master the art I was robbed of my beloved mask...
It was stolen from right under my nose.
The favorite fruit of all ghost's are Bloooooo-berries!
Why does everyone paint Easter Eggs? Because it is a lot easier than wallpapering them.
Whenever my wife is upset I let her color in my black and white tattoos
She just really needed a shoulder to crayon
Though my brother won the art competition, he went up to his rival and gave him the credit where it was hue!
Why did the artist have to go to the bathroom right away? Because when you gotta Van Gogh, you gotta Van Gogh.
I just beat my friend in a Wild West themed art race!
I was quicker to the draw.
Red wasn't feeling very well for the past few weeks. He has been diagnosed with scarlet fever.
We should've guessed the failed postman wouldn't be any better at delivering his acting lines.
The artist successfully climbed the highest peak in the country. He attributed his success to the song, 'Paint No Mountain Higher!'
What's long, surprisingly bigger than expected, comes in different colors, and everyone wants a ride from?
A limousine.
A friend has joined a blonds only theatre group. Fair play to him.
Why did you fall in love with the Paris art museum? It was just Louvre at first site.
I just found out that Mercedes is donating state-of-the-art street sweepers to some of the largest cities around the world to help fight littering.
They're calling it Mercedes-clenz.