Art Puns

Have a colorful time with these punny art puns.

Art Puns

If you photograph your pimples, is zit art?
The artist thought she was all that and pen some.
I went to an art gallery and noticed that all the info was also available in braille.
Nice touch.
Colors laugh by saying, "Hue Hue Hue."
Why did the artist go to the lounge? Because it was her comfort tone.
Why do old artists never die? They just withdraw.
I'm still figuring out how to properly wear a face covering. Before I could master the art I was robbed of my beloved mask...
It was stolen from right under my nose.
I just found out that Mercedes is donating state-of-the-art street sweepers to some of the largest cities around the world to help fight littering.
They're calling it Mercedes-clenz.
A pig and a horse walk into a movie theater.
The horse didn't feel like buying popcorn so he brought some hay. A theater employee saw him and said. "Are you sneaking outside food into the theater?"

The horse said "nay."

The pig squealed.
The fact that we were asked to leave our beautiful purple color house by the owner is still purplexing for me.
The artist successfully climbed the highest peak in the country. He attributed his success to the song, 'Paint No Mountain Higher!'
Q. Which dinosaur species has deep blue-green feathers?
A. Teal-Rex.
Don't get caught between a chalk and a hard place.
Q: What do you do with unruly green kids?

A: Make them do limeout.
Dreaming in color is the artist's pigment of imagination.
Whenever my wife is upset I let her color in my black and white tattoos
She just really needed a shoulder to crayon
Q: What did the artist say to the dentist?-
A: Matisse hurt
It may just be a stage I'm going through, but I sure do love the trapdoors on set.
Tried acting in a theatre full of farmers. Got mooed off stage.
Blue and orange are always polite and amicable with each other because they are complementary colors.
Don't theater jokes always seem so staged?
I had a job directing an elementary school theater production.
It wasn't hard work, after all, it was child's play.
The coffee shop owner was afraid. He wanted to know if the shop had ground to operate in the black.
Why was the painter upset when his doctor bought all of his paintings? The doctor thought the paintings would go up in value after his death.
The ghost scared all the boys who ventured into the haunted house and then varnished into the almirah!
My theater group is writing a sci-fi thriller about classical musicians.
I'll be Bach.
When the theatre owner dies, his visitation hours are as follows: 1pm, 3pm, 6:30 pm, 9pm, and midnight.
If Van Gogh were alive today, what might the title of his autobiography be called?
The STARRY of My Life
When I broke my brother's favorite toy, he turned absolutely red in anger.
Who are the biggest fans at the theatre? The backstage crew - They're always giving props to the actors.
TV news anchors love the shades of red. They get serious whenever there is Burgundy.
Q. What did one artistic colored pencil say to another?
A. Bro, you are lookin' sharp today!
You know why theater people say "break a leg" instead of good luck?
Because if you do, you'll end up in a cast!
Why didn't the artist replace his kitchen sink? Because he said that if it's not baroque, don't fix it.
I'm coming out of the closet to tell everyone I was just hired as a seamstress for the theatre.
My dad and I saw this girl with a colorful backpack covered in pot leaves
He turned to me and said "thats a dope backpack". He is catching onto my slang.
Did you hear about the colorful sea cow?
Oh the hue-manatee!!!
Aliens hate playing golf in space as there are too many black holes!
All theatres love to see scarecrows out in the audience as reviewers! They're simply outstanding in their field.
My friend told me he had to leave the play after Act l. Knowing he'd waited forever to see it, I asked him why. He said the program stated that Act ll was two years later, and he refused to wait that long.
After checking my poor results, the art teacher shouted, "Never in a vermilion years have I seen such poor grades"!
Who else is a famous barnyard painter?
Pablo PIGcaso
Why was the artist in an argument? She wanted to have the final clay.
I was sick, and my whole body turned colorful. The doctor took a look and said that I had a color infection, which is caused by the Crayola virus.s
The artist shouldn't have taken that sculpture for granite, now it's stone-cold.
I was surprised that although I was supposed to be feeling blue, my heart was not that heavy. Perhaps, I am feeling light blue.
Why did you fall in love with the Paris art museum? It was just Louvre at first site.
When facing trouble in the workspace, all the colorists rallied together by saying, "Come what grey, we will overcome all obstacles!"
I was watching a movie when the screen started to emit blue light. Guess this is one of the cons of watching movies on Blue Ray.
I tried to come up with a funny theatre joke, but it was all just an act.