Have you ever wondered why most concrete structures are reinforced with rebar? Of course, many of us will know that conc.. Read More
A Fun Poem About the Discovery of Vitamins A, B and C
The history of vitamins is closely linked with human exploration of the world. This charming rhyme will tell you the story of vitamins A, B, and C!
Epsom Salt Is Not As Good For the Garden As You Think
Here's why you should reserve your Epsom salt for bath time and NOT gardening.
Robotic Exoskeletons Are Here, and They're Pretty Cool!
This military leg brace makes jumping from heights and carrying heavy loads long-distance a breeze! See it in action...
Busting Some Common Ear and Nose Myths With ENT Doctors
Watch two ENT doctors bust some commonly believed myths about the ear and nose.
Short Documentary: How Do Submarines Dive and Surface?
Ever wondered how submarines dive and surface? It's all quite fascinating...
This Underwater Bullet Train Will Be One of a Kind
India is set to develop it's first underwater bullet train project that is believed to be one of a kind.
Why Clove Water Could Change Your Health Forever
Adding a few cloves to your morning water could transform your wellness routine.
6 Lessons from Buddhism to Help You Change Your Life
These powerful Buddhist teachings will help you overcome fear and transform your mindset.
11 Practical Technologies That Will Help Fight Flooding
These amazing innovations will be real handy during a flood.
Chocolate Exposed! Here's What It Does to Your Brain!
Just what is it that makes chocolate so irresistible to so many people around the world? Find all of the answers in the article.
I Never Knew These Stunning Facts About Our Universe
If you thought you understood the universe, you'll be completely floored by this insane facts.
Science News: New Wonder Mushroom Cleans the Air
Let's learn about a magical new mushroom that is not only enriching the soil for farmers but also capturing CO2 from the air!
Study Says: With Age, Come Certain Cognitive Abilities
a study published in August 2021 in the journal *Nature Human Behavior reveals surprising findings that challenge this assumption and may be of great interest to all of us.
The Psychology Behind Why Some People Are Habitually Late
Now we finally know why some people are habitually late.
Keep Your Home Safe with These Handy Gadgets
These 13 devices will transform your home security.
Do You Have One Of These RARE Genetic Traits?
How unique are you? You might have several rare genetic traits that make you unlike most of the world's population!
Ponder Life's Big Questions with a Truly Brilliant Mind
Dr. Michio Kaku is known around the world for his brain power and ability to explain complex concepts with effortless ease. Here are his thoughts.
These Bizarre Mysteries Continue to Stump Scientists!
The world of science hasn't been able to explain several bizarre phenomenon yet. Let's take a look at a few of them.
When Under a Microscope, Even Ordinary Things Seem Alien
Have you ever given any thought to what every day things look like under a microscope? Some of these images are truly beautiful - see for yourself in the images below.
7 Little-Known Body Parts We Never Knew About
Here's a look at some of the weird and little-known body parts that you didn’t know you had.
The Race to Complete the World's Second-Tallest Skyscraper
Malaysia is all set to unveil the world’s second tallest skyscraper.
Science: 20 Mechanical Principles Demonstrated Using Lego
In this video, we'll explore a variety of fascinating mechanical mechanisms, all demonstrated using Lego models.
Magic is Only A Vibration Away With This Great Experiment
All it takes is some sand, a metal plate and carefully toned vibrations from a speaker to create stunning and complex patterns. This video shows you the amazing results!
This Giant Tank Will Unlock the Universe’s Big Mysteries
Japan is building a huge underground tank inside a mountain to help unlock the many mysteries of the universe.
Fascinating: How are CPU Chips Made?
This is a comprehensive look at both the fabrication process and the workings of a microchip plant that makes CPUs for computers.
15 Beautiful Carl Sagan Quotes on the Stars and the Cosmos
A look at some profound quotes on the universe by famous astronomer and cosmologist Carl Sagan.
8 Ancient Greek Scholars & Their Life-Changing Inventions
The foundations of modern medicine, engineering, biology, and astronomy were set up by these 8 stellar minds more than two thousand years ago.
What’s it Like Using a 115-Inch TV?!
This colossal 115-Inch TV will transform your viewing experience forever.
The Rise of the Machines: Can Humanoid Robots Help Us?
Will humanoid robots change the way we work forever?
This Stunning Video Visualizes the Size of the Universe
This video visualizes the number of galaxies in the world, giving you a look into the true size of our enormous universe.
17 Experiments That Produced Very Bizarre Results...
Take a look at this collection of photos showing how common people performed some fascinating accidental scientific experiments.
16 Surprising Things I Never Knew About Sleeping!
Who knew there was so much we don't know about our most popular activity! Here are 16 facts you may not have known about your sleep.
This Secret Invention Changed the Course of WW2
Let’s take a closer look at the proximity fuze, also called Vt Fuze, an invention that changed the course of the second World War.
Amazing New Scientific Discoveries You Missed in 2024
There have been so many interesting scientific discoveries this year that we have missed!
7 Weird Facts About the Human Voice That Will Surprise You
We bet you didn’t know these peculiar facts about the human voice.
Fascinating: How Fast Does Our Brain Operate?
Ever wonder at what speeds our thoughts move?
What to Do (and Avoid) When Setting Up a Smart Home
Here's how you can set up a family-friendly smart home that will last long.
WHY is Sugar So Devilishy Addictive?
There seems to be a fascinating scientific explanation for why our will power is weak when it comes to sugar!
These Engineering Failures Ended In Real Catastrophes
These are 10 of the worst engineering failures in history. These accidents had horrific results, and we must learn from them to never ever repeat them.
These Ancient Inventions Have Got Scientists Stumped!
Here are 12 items from long ago which prove that our ancestors possessed knowledge and skills far more advanced than we once believed them to be.
WATCH: What Is the Fingerprint of God's Creation?
The golden pattern, describes the mathematical code of the universe. Is this the scientific evidence of God's will and plan?
Experts Are Still Baffled by These Ancient Artifacts
These mysterious relics have left experts puzzled.
8 Fascinating Heartbeat Facts You Never Knew Before
These heartbeat facts will leave you astounded.
You Won't Believe What Passes for a Phone in North Korea
You won't believe what phones look like in North Korea!
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