To achieve this unique form of fluid art, one must use special colors that do not dissolve and stay afloat long enough t.. Read More
Once a Wall, Now a Masterpiece - Amazing!
We encountered this amazing new video and just thought it really deserves recognition. The Russian painter in this video creates a window into a marvellous new world out of what was a blank wall. It is amazing fun watching the process of creating suc
Gold Fish Salvation - Beautiful Art!
Beautiful 3d art by Gold Fish Salvation by Riusuke Fukahori
An Artful Dream - Beautiful!
...A beautiful video of an art student with special drawing powers
This Performer Can Do ANYTHING While on a Bike
The acrobat you see here is Viola Brand – a bicycle artist who can do almost anything on two wheels.
This Magical Ice Show Brings Disney to Life
If you love art and Disney, this show is for you!
7 Super Useful Embroidery Tips and Hacks
Get to know 6 tricks for creating beautiful embroidery designs on clothes—perfect for beginners, but also for those already familiar with the technique.
17 Photos That Show Japan Is Truly One of a Kind
These 17 photos capture just a glimpse of what makes Japan feel like an entirely different world.
These Award-Winning Insect Pics Are Absolutely Mesmerizing
Marvel at the outstanding winners of the 2024 Royal Entomological Society Photography Competition.
What a Spectacular Performance by 2 Classic Greats!
An exciting performance by two classic greats - Louis Armstrong and Danny Kaye!
These Lovely Bird Paper Sculptures Look Stunningly Real
At first glance, the dazzling paper sculptures by the artist Diana Beltran Herrera look like real living birds and butterflies...
The Secrets Behind Today's Special Effects...
Can you believe this movie set was made of sculptures?
This Incredible Act Will Blow Your Mind!
We have no doubt that you will be completely dumbfounded by this act.
These Statues Are Both Very Famous & Very Mysterious
These statues are famous all over the world, but do you know the mysteries behind them? Here are 9 very famous statues and the mysteries behind them.
Watch Andre Rieu Masterfully Perform 'The Last Rose'
Watch Andre Rieu and the Johann Strauss Orchestra masterfully perform their version of 'The Last Rose' while they were touring the Netherlands.
WATCH: Andre Rieu Takes On a Neapolitan Classic
Andre Rieu is well-known for doing justice to classic songs, and this time, he takes on 'O Sole Mio, one of the Neapolitan all-time greats. Enjoy!
Witness This Incredible Musical Performance by True Masters
Dutch orchestra leader Guido Dieteren joins forces here with powerhouse singer Wendy Kokkelkoren to bring you a rendition of "You Raise Me Up" the likes of which you've never heard before.
WATCH: This Synchronized Reaction Is Mesmerizing
DoodleChaos is a remarkable channel, but this video in particular caught my eye. Watch this marble reaction that's synchronized to Tchaikovsky.
A 5-Year-Old Delivers a Jaw-Dropping Piano Performance!
Meet Jonah Ho, the 5-Year-Old piano prodigy. In this video, he plays Fantasie Impromptu in C-sharp Minor Op.66 of Chopin, and we are STUNNED!
12 Short Poems By the Some of the Greatest Poets!
These 25 short profound poems are brought to you by famous poets from different eras and will bring peace to any turbulent day.
12 of the Best Lesser-Known Tales from the Arabian Nights
In this article, we explore some of the obscure stories from Arabian Nights that have been overlooked in popular culture.
Watch These Guys Dance From the 1950s to Modern Age
See this dance troupe perform incredible dances that represent the ages from the 1950s to now.
Is Van Gogh’s ‘The Night Cafe’ a Misunderstood Gem?
The Legendary artist, Vincent Van Gogh, considered his painting 'The Night Cafe' ugly. But was it actually a misunderstood gem?
The 50 Most Famous Pieces of Classical Music
Enjoy this incredible collection of 50 classical pieces.
Is This What Falling in Love Sounds Like on Piano?
When celebrated young pianist Jarrod Radnich performed this majestic piece at such a glorious castle I could not help but be swept away.
The Most Gorgeous Animal Paintings in History – 16 Pics
Explore the beauty of animals in these amazing paintings from over the years.
Now THIS is What I Call Sand Sculpting!
15 incredible sand sculptures by Janel Hawkins
André Rieu Lets An Incredible Singer Amaze Us All..
When she sings, magic is returned to the world...
This Domino is Like One Huge Rube Goldberg Machine
This domino structure and knockdown is a an art for the ages.
This Dance Performance Is Unlike Anything I've Seen
This performance is astounding! Take a look!
These Fish Photos Are Unlike Anything I've Ever Seen
Have you ever seen such stunning fish? This photographer captures the beauty of Siamese fighting fish.
You Won't Believe What This Guy Does with a Potter's Wheel
Mikhail Sadovnikov transforms his potter's wheel into a canvas of incredible hypnotic designs in real-time.
This is Probably the Most Fun Wedding Dance I've Ever Seen
Taking inspiration from Bollywood movies and Indian music, these guys put on a terrific dance show at this wedding.
22 Thought Provoking Winners of Budapest Foto Awards
The Budapest International Foto Awards just published their winners, and the photographs are so thought-provoking and unique, they truly speak for themselves.
Look Closer! These Nature Pictures Are Not What They Seem
The impeccable detail found in these masterpieces make this artist's paintings look more like photographs than works of art.
How Could Carvings so Intricate & Tiny Have Been Handmade?
These boxwood carvings are among the most mysterious little wonders in art history. Now, finally, science appears to have explained just how they were made.
This Traditional Chinese Dance Will Leave You in Awe!
If there's one thing that the Chinese know how to do, it's dancing. Check out this fantastic traditional Chinese dance.
Watch This Master of Hoops in Smooth Action!
Valeri Tkach is a world-class juggler who is going to show you some tricks you've never seen before...
Unbelievable! These Acrobatic Feats Will Blow You Away!
This team of highly skilled acrobats were brought in to celebrate Chinese New Year and truly leave you awestruck!
Incredible! These Dance Performances Will Leave You in Awe
Take a look at our most favorite dance performances in this wonderful collection.
17 Incredible Paintings That Sold For Hundreds of Millions
While many artists were unappreciated in their time, today their works are sold for millions like these highest valued paintings ever sold.
Music Box: Listen to 16 Classic Disco Songs
In this music compilation you will find 16 of the best disco songs ever produced. These songs are all guaranteed to get you up on your feet and dancing.
Mary Poppins by André Rieu is Pure Delight!
André Rieu and the Johann Strauss Orchestra perform the famous Mary Poppins song, Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. Watch a video of the performance.
This Woman Collects Dead Flowers for a Beautiful Reason
Bridget Collins has been collecting dead flowers for a long time. She uses them in a most unusual and delightful way...
This Dollhouse Is Like Nothing I've Ever Seen Before!
Valued at $8.5 million, here's what the world's most expensive dollhouse looks like.
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