No one knows why they pay what they do for airline tickets. We all try to find the best deal, but it's never really explained to us why the ticket prices are the way they are, and why it seems that every person on the same plane got a different deal... This handy guide will shed some light on the murky world of airline ticket prices, and help you find your way to the cheapest one.
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8 Ways Your Home is Sneakily Draining Your Bank Account
Since your house cannot talk to you, here are some tips that will reveal the hidden ways in which your house could be costing you more money than it should.
10 Unexpected Handy Uses for a Hairdryer
The hairdryer is one of the more useful appliances we have - here are 10 unexpected and super handy uses for a hairdryer.
Why Sitting Down is Slowly Putting Your Health at Risk
Some facts everyone should know about sitting.
These Tips Will Make Flying a Way Better Experience
If you find that long flights take quite a toll on your body, then make sure to check out these top tips!
The Oldest People Ever Share Some Wisdom With You
If you want to try your hand at being a centenarian, then listen to the advice of those who succeeded.
Break These Rules & You Can Kiss Your Friends Goodbye...
To prevent money issues from causing harm in your life, here are ten money etiquette tips to keep in mind. Take a look and start saving.
33 Mistakes That Shorten the Life Span of Your Appliances
Home appliances often break down before their time. These 33 tips will ensure that they last you longer.
Americans Say These Are the Worst Companies to Work For
According to the Glassdoor website, these are the 10 worst companies to work for in America.
Should You Be Spending or Saving on These 10 Foods?
Everything we put into our bodies affects our health, but is it worth spending more money on certain foods to enjoy more benefits? Read to find out...
Mindfulness Techniques that Will Make Your Life Easier
A mindfulness technique to calm yourself down and feel at peace.
Mouthwash Can Do So Much More Than Freshen Your Breath
Did you know mouthwash is the number 1 household product you should keep at hand? Discover its fantastic multiple uses to see why.
24 Zip Tie Hacks That'll Make Your Life Much Easier
Zip ties have an array of different uses. The following 24 zip tie uses will change your life for the better.
How to Make a Simple and Cheap Door Alarm!
Here's how you can save yourself some money by making your own door alarm at home.
Using Vinegar to Clean These Items Can Really Damage Them
Cleaning these common home surfaces and other items with vinegar can seriously damage them...
How to Prepare Matcha, the Healthiest Drink on the Market!
Matcha green tea is one of the healthiest drinks out there and this is how you can make it yourself.
14 Creative Uses For Old Wire Coat Hangers
Coat Hangers are not just useful for hanging your favorite clothes in the closet, they are handy in so many other ways too!
Don’t Let Broken Zippers Bother You Again. I’ve Found a Fix!
Don’t throw away your favorite pair of pants because of a broken zipper. Grab and needle and thread and try this easy fix.
Amazing! How to Make a Key That Opens Most Locks
Can you make a key that opens almost every lock?
10 Simple Solutions to Removing Paint Stains From Clothes
Got paint stains on your clothes but not sure how to remove them? Here's what to do.
Do You Power Nap? If Not, Here's Why You Should!
Nothing beats a good night's sleep, but there are many benefits that arise from taking a short power nap. Here are 6 of them.
How to Deal with an Emotional Extortionist
Emotional extortionists (also known as "Emotional Vampires") are people who prey on other people's emotions, knowingly or unknowingly, to get what they want.
11 Sandwich Making Mistakes the Majority Of People Make
Making an excellent sandwich is not as easy as it may seem, and the majority of people make small mistakes that make their sandwiches less...
10 Reasons Why You Should Drink More Chamomile Tea
Chamomile tea has an incredible amount of uses! Check out our top ten here.
Make These Baby Products Naturally at Home!
To help you create your own natural remedies for your little one, we suggest trying out the following homemade "recipes".
Guide: How to Meditate With Your Children
This guide will instruct you on how to do easy meditation techniques with your children and grandchildren.
These 15 Charts Are Both Useful and Interesting!
The 15 charts cover topics like health, animals, and classical music, and they are full of useful information, perfect for a lifelong learner like you.
7 Handy Bathroom Hacks That Will Make Your Life Easier
Here are some handy bathroom life hacks that will help you keep it clean and well-organized conveniently.
6 Tricks Painters Know and You Should Too
Here are 6 tips that will help you ensure you do it right, with results no less than perfect!
5 Crucial Things to Consider When Buying Used Furniture
Buying used furniture lets you buy high-quality pieces for less money. In this article, we list 5 useful tips that will help you select quality used furniture.
Cream Of Tartar Will Do Wonders For Your Health and Home!
If you've never heard of cream of tartar, you should find out how many different health benefits and uses this wonderful powder has!
15 Awesome Tips Just For Women!
At home, at work or in the middle of the street, there are situations that only women can understand. The following 15 tips are for women only!
Avoid 10 Design Mistakes to Make Your Home More Spacious
Interior decoration is a lot tougher than it seems, no wonder these 10 mistakes are so very common. Care to find out if you're guilty of any?
How to Choose a Moisturizer That Will Actually Work
Choosing the right moisturizer can be tricky. To make things easier, we listed the most important ingredients to look for in an effective moisturizer.
12 Surprising Ways to Use Your Box Grater
Did you know your box grater had such unique uses?
6 Simple and Important Flexibility Exercises for Seniors
Regain flexibility after 60 with these easy exercises.
Fix Any Fence Problem With These 10 Video Tutorials!
10 video tutorials that'll cover most fence DIY issues, from fixing various issues to installation and painting.
Bring Positive Energy to Your Home With These Lucky Plants
Feng shui experts say that these plants will bring good luck and positive energy to your home.
Say Goodbye to Marble Stains - Cleaning Hacks That Work!
Say goodbye to those stubborn marble stains with these useful cleaning hacks.
A Guide to Identifying and Treating 8 Common Lawn Problems
Discover 8 common problems in gardens and lawns and how they can be treated
12 Genius DIY Tips That Will Make Life a Whole Lot Easier
These tips are great at saving you from two of life's most important expenses - money and time!
Guide: How to Clean Your Car's Side Mirrors so They Shine
This article provides a detailed guide as to how to best clean your car's side mirrors.
These 10 Rocks May Be Pretty, But They're Also Deadly!
They look pretty but they're deadly. These surprising crystals and rocks look beautiful from afar but are deadly up close.
15 Seniors Who Still Know How to School Us in Life
These elders have some interesting advice to share...
How to Train Your Cat to Shake Your Hand (and More)
Learn how to teach your cats a simple handshake trick and find out a few other tips for living peacefully with your cats.
4 Simple Ways to Open a Jar Lid That’s Stuck
Opening a jar can be quite tricky and sometimes seemingly impossible, really, but with these tricks, you'll be able to twist it open in no time!
5 Wonderful Facial Scrubs You Can Easily Make at Home
There's no reason to spend a fortune on branded facial scrubs, when you can easily make some at home!
Surprising Papers You Must Shred to Prevent Identity Theft
If you don't shred these seemingly harmless documents and throw them directly into the trash, you may be subject to identity theft...