Brown spots develop over time on our face, hands, and chest. They're sometimes even called age spots. Dr. Schultz will share an at home regimen that can significantly lighten these spots, as well as some in-office alternatives to completely remove them. In addition, we've listed some known natural remedies for this problem. |
Natural Treatments For Getting Rid of Freckles and Spots
1. Apply lemon juice to bleach dark areas.
2. Make Use of fruit and vegetable masks, especially those who are made with strawberries, apricots or cucumbers.
3. Lactic acid helps the skin gently peel without dryness or irritation. So Wash your face with sour milk.
4. Heat up honey. Heat it up slightly and apply to your face, then tap your face gently with your fingers. Wash the honey off with warm water and then rinse with cool water. Stir a little quantity of wheat germ into the honey before applying.
5. Use horseradish. Horseradish juice or horseradish vinegar is also helpful in lightening freckles.
6. Combine parsley and fruit juice. Mix parsley with equal amounts of lemon juice, orange juice, and red currant juice. If you apply this under a cream that you feel is good, it will help you keep your freckles invisible.
7. Apply odorless olive oil or vitamin E at night before going to sleep.
8. Dissolve sugar. Take some sugar and dissolve it in the juice of one lemon. Apply the mixture to each freckle with a brush.
9. Grind yellow mustard in milk. Apply it to your face during the night and wash your face the next morning.
10. Use onions. Onions also can be used for removing freckles and age spots. Slice a red onion in half and rub on the spots twice daily. Continue until the spots fade.
11. Use buttermilk. Putting this on freckles is thought to help in lightening them.
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