For the First Time Ever, Sand Kittens Filmed in the Wild
These is the first ever footage of sand kittens in the wild, and it's simply adorable!
You Won't Believe How Much Animals Change After Adoption!
Check out this collection of photos of animals before and after they were adopted. You won't believe how much some of them have changed!
Animals Are Way Too Cute When They're Dreaming...
Get ready for your daily dose of overwhelming cuteness, as you witness some really cute animals having the sweetest of dreams!
Magical Human-Like Images of Squirrels with Tiny Props
Wildlife photographer Geert Weggen has a knack for capturing the most adorable photos of squirrels engaging with tiny props
This Panda Had No Idea She'd Had Twins!
When a panda gives birth to twins, they usually end up abandoning one of them to focus on raising the other one well. This experiment is trying to change that.
Drop Everything and Take a Look at These Incredible Photos
You've simply got to check out these 20 powerful photographs that really do say a thousand words each!
Adorable: Cats vs. The Mysterious Invisible Wall!
These cats are putting their collecting feline intelligence together to try and figure out a way past this strange and invisible wall in their way
A Sweeter Friendship Than This One Is Hard to Find...
This goes to show you - animals can have an even better code of conduct than humans do.
If You're Feeling Low, Then Here's the Pick-Me-Up You Need
If you're feeling a little blue or are just looking for something to make you smile, then you've certainly come to the right place!
Meet Ninita, the Sweetest Little Pygmy Monkey in the World
Prepare to fall in love with this little beauty, who gets her hair combed by a toothbrush...
Adorable: This Crow Was Raised by Chickens....
In this video, we are introduced to a crow that was raised with chickens
Getting Along Like...Cats and Dogs?
While conventional wisdom states that cats and dogs were born natural enemies, this isn't always the case.
I Couldn't Help But Laugh at This Dog's Urge to Sing
Watch this French bulldog sing-a-long with his owner!
These Parakeets are Performing Professionals!
You won't believe what these trained parakeets can do until you see this show.
Then & Now: 15 Cute Photos of Dogs When They Were Puppies
These adorable photos prove that puppies grow up WAY too fast!
22 of The Classiest Animals in the History of Classy
These animals are much too classy for you or I, they are simply too fancy.
Dogs Have Family Albums Too, You Know!
Dogs have families too, and they take a mean photo!
30 Animals so Teeny-Weeny they Fit Inside a Cup...
30 lovable animals relaxing comfortably inside cups.
Adorable: The 7 Stages of a Cat Bonding With a Baby
A wonderful video that is sure to make you smile as you watch a cat slowly bond with the new tiny human in its life.
These Adorable Animals Sure Know the Importance of Family!
The concept of family was hardly invented by humans. Animals know just as well as we do the importance of loving and spending time with your family.
This Has Got to Be the Best Trained Cat in the World
Everyone thinks that it's only dogs that can be trained, but this cat proves otherwise.
A Moment of Sweetness: Baby Cats are the Cutest Cats
The cutest kittens are waiting to say meow to you, won't you give them a visit?
Have You Ever Seen a Cuter Video Than This? I Doubt It!
Watching these cute little cats and kittens cuddling up to their beloved teddy bears will make anybody's heart melt...
Just Let Sleeping Dogs Lie - Because it's Funny!
Because we love dogs we are allowed to laugh at them when they pull the funniest faces. And they are never funnier than when they are sleeping. Just look!
The Pure Joy of Kids and Animals in 15 Adorable Photos
Andrea Martin captures the touching connections between children and animals in her beautiful photography.
Enjoy 60 of the Cutest and Funniest Elephant Videos!
This video compilation includes 60 of the funniest and most adorable short videos of elephants being kind, hilarious, helpful and silly!
Cat Mom Adopts a Little Fella From Another Species...
In this video, you'll see how a mother cat welcomes a new "kitten" to her little family - a tiny little skunk!
These Lovely Words Moved Me & Made Me Proud to Own a Dog
Dogs are truly lovable creatures and these beautiful words prove it.
Nothing Gladdens the Heart Like Animals and Their Young!
Like parent, like child, but these animals take this a step further while being adorable!
Family Portraits With Dogs Can Produce Amazing Results
Dogs have a mind of their own and family portraits with them can produce some really interesting results. Take a look.
This Man Built a Squirrel Obstacle Course In His Yard...
This video is one of the most fun things I've seen all week!
A Lonely Goose Asked For This Woman's Help...
Who knew geese were so friendly and intelligent?! The friendship story between Honk, the goose, and Cheryl, the woman who saved him, is so heartwarming!
These Lovely Sentiments Will Ring True to All Cat Lovers
These 10 memorable quotes, penned by famous people, truly describe the joys of owning a cat.
Baby Laughs: The Best Medicine Ever!
These adorable, laughing babies will keep you smiling all week!
These Dogs Are Full Grown, But Think They're Puppies...
These adorable, yet hilarious photos will prove that every dog secretly wants to remain a puppy...
Can You Get Through This Post Without Grinning?
It is impossible not to love this series of adorable photos!
We All Have Our Grumpy Days! But These Animals Are Adorable
These animals may be grumpy but they are absolutely adorable!
The Bigger, the CUTER! Meet the Biggest Cats in the World
Would you ever adopt a cat that's just as large as a dog? If so, you might be interested in the world's 10 largest cat breeds
These Baby Animals Are Just the Sweetest Thing I've Seen
It doesn't get much cuter than adorable baby animals. Look at these gorgeous phtoos.
This Wild Crow Comes to Play with This Family's Pets!
This is a story of a wild crow who became a daily guest this happy family's home, and how she started playing with the family pets!
Let Me Make Your Day Better With Some Bunnies...
Who can resist a good bunny? I hope these bunnies start your day off right!
These 12 Cute Animal Moments Will Have You Smirking!
If you need a few minutes break from your busy life, look at these 12 cuties that'll make you forget all your troubles...
17 Adorable Pictures of Animals Basking in the Sun
Take a look at this delightful collection of pictures of adorable animals just chilling out in the sun.
These Adorable Cats Are Having a Bad Jump Day...
These cats are having an off day - and it's pretty hilarious!
Some Thieves Are Too Cute For Us to Be Mad At...
Some animals have to rebel, but they do it such a cute way...
Too Cute! See These Babies React to Their Dad Coming Home
In this baby videos compilation, you will see happy babies who can't get enough of their dads the moment they come home.
The Adorable Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree...
Is there something cuter than an adorable animal? Yep. That adorable animal and its mini-version.