Wind Puns

These windy puns will blow you away!

Wind Puns

Q: What do you call a gust of wind full of sand?
A: A rough draft
What does a tornado wear under his clothes? Thunderwear!
Q: How do you stop newspapers from flying away on windy days?
A: Use a news anchor!
Q: Why is there so much wind inside a sports arena?
A: Because of all the fans.
You can’t predict wind speeds with certainty. The best you can do is make a gust-imate.
Q: Why couldn’t the boy keep his documents open when he left a window open in winter?
A: Because it was too Win+D
Q: What did the leaf say to the wind?
A: You really blew me away.
Q: What do you call a freezing bird?
A: Brrrrrrrrrdddd
The wind had such a great time. You could say it had a blast.
What is a tornado's favorite Elton John song? Candle in the Wind!
Q: What do you call a row of 10 blondes standing ear to ear?
A: A wind tunnel.