Thanksgiving Pick Up Lines

Thanksgiving Pick Up Lines,

Thanksgiving Pick Up Lines

You’re the pumpkin pie of my eye.
The only thing sweeter than pumpkin pie is you, baby!
Forget about pumpkin, you’re the only cutie pie I need.
I can give you something to really be thankful about!
Thanksgiving is over… Want to watch Christmas movies and chill?
I'm using the wishbone to manifest a date with you.
Are you the Mayflower? Because you have been sailing through my head
Want to break the wishbone? I’m wishing for a date with you.
Got plans for leftovers, yet?
I use homemade pumpkin spice. Would you like to try some?
I checked the meat thermometer, and you’re officially one hot bird.
You’re just like how I like my potatoes — sweet.
You’re the gravy to my turkey.
My entire family keeps asking why I’m still single. Want to help me change that?
Let me give you another reason to feel thankful this year. 😏
You’re what I’m most thankful for this year.
You’re the only (cutie) pie I need.
Hey girl, if you were a turkey you'd only need minimal basting because you're already so juicy.