Deodorant Puns

Let us spritz some puns into the air

Deodorant Puns

What do you call a perfume that missed its deadline?
Eau de too late.
Why don't ghosts wear deodorant?
They like to keep it super natural.
Mother Superior had to crack down on sisters wearing perfume in the convent.
She said she would not tolerate such nun scents.
Why did the skunk cross the road?
To get to the odor side.
I ran out of deodorant.
I guess I'll go online and odor some more.
My wife is furious at me for buying an expensive make-your-own-perfume kit.
But it just made scents to me.
This can of deodorant said it "Lasts 24 hours"...
So the next day I bought another can.
Did you hear about how deodorant lead to the capture of a cold war agent?
The scent of old spies gave him away.
Dad asked if he could borrow my deodorant.
I said "sure, no sweat."
What's it called when a perfume climbs up the stairs?
This lady at the supermarket is staring at me, like she's never seen anyone put on deodorant...
And then put it back on the shelf.
I forgot to put on deodorant this morning, so I went to the store on my way to work.
It was a quick pit stop.
What would you call a familiar scent?
Did you just hear that perfume bottle talk?
I think it's becoming scentient.
The magazine my daughter gets each month always smells like perfume. I wondered aloud if they scent it.
Then I realized, of course they sent it. Otherwise it would have never come.
Have you heard what happened to unemployed perfume makers?
They are not making any scents.
What do you call a tree that grows deodorant, toothpaste and tampons?
A toiletry.