Knight Puns

You will Sir-Tainly laugh at these wack knight puns.

Knight Puns

Why are automatic doors like knights?
Because they're chivalrous!
Why did the king order his new castle be built in the evening?
For the night knights!
Did you know knights are known for wearing dishware?
Thats why they call it plate armor.
I always knew that some knights had names that described their personality (like Lancelot the Brave), but I didn't realise nuns did that too until I became one...
I was Nun the Wiser.
I killed all the knights in the Iron Keep, except one,
He was Allone
Where does King Arthur throw his stupid knights?
In the Dumbgeon.
How can you tell a sword is a knights favorite weapon?
He doesn't use a lance a lot.
What's the difference between Hanukkah and dragons?
One is eight nights while the other ate knights
What attracts knights in shining armor even more than damsels in distress?
What bird regales you with stories of middle earth, knights, and allegory?
Bard owl.
A knight asks a squire for the time
The squire says: it seems to be 3 pm
The knights shuts his visor and says: no, its knight time
Why does England always get attacked in the summer?
Because the Knights are shorter then.
What do you call a gathering of Arthur's Knights?
A Sir conference
What do you call 3 knights in a relationship?
What do you call a Korean knight who is looking for his lost belongings? He goes by the name Sir Ching!
What would be one of the worst crimes to commit if you were a sheep living in the medieval times?
What do you think is the name of the knight who unexpectedly turned up at the battle? His name is Sir Prize.
What do you call Sir Lancelot when he is dancing and singing to his heart's content at a party? We call him Sir Dancelot.
Have you heard of the knight whose enemies were always lurking near him and following him? That knight went by the name of Sir Rounded.
Why was the medieval knight polishing his dress before going for the Queens's dinner party? Because he wanted to have a night in shining armor!
Why was the knight fighting the tournament with a sword made from cheddar cheese? Because the cheese was extra sharp!
What should be the name of the knight who the King has appointed to carry a census of the land? He goes by the name Sir Vey.
What is the name of the knight that spreads all the rumors and news of the court and the king amongst the people? Sir Culate.
After which knight is a town in England named? Sir Rey!
What is the name of that knight who is very fond of the sea and spends most of his time at sea beaches? We call him Sir Fer.
What do you call a knight who just wants to fight with an opponent on level grounds? He is called Sir Face!
What was that knight's name who would always go around and call other knights by their last names? Sir Name.
What was the name of the knight who made the round table of Sir Arthur perfect? He was a knight called Sir Cle.
What is a knight who has traveled all across the earth with a ship known as? He is known as Sir Cumnavigator.
What do you name a knight who has been able to persevere through all the barriers in his way? A Sir Vivor!
The castle and court of Camelot were famous for their knight-life.
In the dark ages, the knights had to attend a special type of school. It was the Knight School.
Knights have always used one type of lamp since medieval times. These lamps are now called Knight Lamps.
There were two knights who were fighting a long duel with each other. The fight ended when one of them chopped off the other's leg- guess the knight was defeeted.
There was this knight who would be always roasting whatever he would catch for food. Guess this is why he was known as the Bonfire Knight.
Most of the knights of the round table of King Arthur were in their middle ages.
What was the nickname for the knight who ruled the fort?
What do you call a knight in a cannibal village? Canned food.
What do you call a candle in armor?
A knight light
Vincent Van Gogh met a knight during the latter part of his life, who inspired him to draw one of his most famous paintings - The Starry Knight.
The knight fell very sick over the weekend. He had a running temperature and was feeling very nauseous. The doctor called it the Saturday Knight Fever.
My sister once took a knight as a dance partner to her high-school party because it was a prom knight.
Although knights were considered protectors of the realm, they sometimes did get involved in the politics of their time. This was because the knights followed knight-wing politics.
Once upon a time, a knight hosted a live improvisational comedy show for everyone in town. It was known as 'Saturday Knight Live'.
These days, knights love to watch movies, and their favorite genre is the horror and the action genre. Also, I am pretty sure that their favorite movie is 'Knight Of The Living Dead.'
Once, a wizard had cursed a knight and turned him into a bird. To express his sorrow, he sang throughout the entire day because he had become a knightingle.
When many knights were being killed by guns and bombs, the medieval scientist discovered a weapon that would destroy all their enemies. It was known as the knightrogen bomb!
The one time of the day when knights are willing to work is during the knightshift.
In the medieval ages, many knights had to travel throughout day and night. In order to increase their visibility in darkness, they invented a device known as the knightvision goggles.
How did knights in the middle-ages get across a moat?