Hair Puns

Welcome to the silky smooth rhythm of these Hair Puns.

Hair Puns

What did the electrician use to moisturise his hair?
Air conditioner.
Why does it take so long to shave a giant sheep with normal sized clippers?
Shear size.
What to you call a legume with facial hair?
A mustachio!
Someone put LSD in my hair gel
My hair has been spiked!
What does a bee use to brush it's hair ?
A Honeycomb.
Did you get a hair cut?
No, I got them all cut.
I recently had my hair cut.
At first I didn’t like it but now it’s growing on me.
What’s orange with bad hair and hears ‘boo’ a lot?
A haunted pumpkin with a wig.
My wife, whilst trying to brush my son's hair, told him he was having a bad hair day.
My son replied, "Oh, is it being knotty?"
What is a butchers favorite facial hair style?
Mutton chops.
Daughter: I think I'm going to put my hair in a bun tomorrow.
Dad: We're all out. You'll have to use bread.
Right, I'm off to grow some facial hair above my top lip...
Must dash.
What did the wig say to the head?
I got you covered.
My daughter asked me if I could put her hair in a bun. I said...
“I could but I think the baker might object”.
What does a funeral home hair stylist handle on a daily basis?
A brush with death
If Satan ever lost his hair...
There would be hell toupee.
Daughter: Did you get a hair cut?
Dad: No sweetheart I got em all cut.
I was going to shave my face but my razor was blunt.
It said, "You look ugly without a beard."
Someone put LSD in my hair gel
My hair has been spiked.
I bought a wig for my wife, at a discount store...
Didn't want toupee full price.
Why was the man with a beard in pain?
Because he had a must ache.