Vehicle Puns

Jesus take the wheel! These car puns are too much to handle!

Vehicle Puns

Authorities have been trying to figure out how the Worcestershire sauce truck spilled...
But it's hard to say...
Today was a terrible day. First my ex got hit by a bus.
Then I lost my job as a driver.
I have to pay for a bus ticket?
I guess it's only fare
A truck carrying thesauruses crashed on a motorway near my house. All the onlookers were startled, shocked, amazed, speechless and dumbfounded.
Why should you be cautious of a Finnish submarine captain?
He’ll sink ye.
I knew a submarine sailor who wasn't very talkative or energetic
He was a subdued sub dude.
Where do bus drivers eat their lunches? In a traffic jam.
I did a good deed today by giving up my seat on the bus to an elderly lady...
How was I supposed to know she’d never driven a bus before?
A car company tried to make a submarine, but it kept surfacing too quickley
The crew got the Mercedes-Bends
What happened when the cargo ship full of books sank?
It caused a title wave!
Why was the bus driver so confused? He was 'bus-t' in traffic!
What do you call a row of 5 tow trucks?
A foot.
A silent man walked into a bicycle shop...
He picked up a wheel and spoke.
Why did the girl break up with the boy?

He was driving her crazy!
Why did the submarines feelings get hurt?
Because they keep calling it a dipship
I have a buddy who was recently hit by a bus, while promoting pedestrian safety.The surgeons had to replace all the joints in his left leg with metal.
I think it's safe to say he can appreciate the iron knee
What made the truck driver finally stop farting?
He ran out of gas.
How does a car tell you to get out?

‘Get out, or I shall give you the boot.’
Car puns are really tiring
Why did the bus driver take a break? He needed to 'stop' and refuel!
We all have a submarine in our heads but we're not supposed to think about it. It's all sub-conscious.
Have you heard about Amazon’s plan to make intercontinental shipments using electric submarine drones?
They’re projecting a large increase in e-fish-in-sea.
Who should drive home out of the two friends?
The one who is not tired.
Why could the Italian Chef not unlock his car?
He had Gnocchi.
Why did the bus driver take a long break? He needed a wheel-y good rest!
Why was the bus musician so excited? He just got a 'ride-ing' ovation!
I always like to keep a jar of peanut butter in the car when I travel on a busy freeway ...
just in case there’s a traffic jam.
What do you call a bus full of smart people?
A Scholarship
A car carrying bank robbers and a truck carrying cement collided yesterday. Police are now searching for hardened criminals.
What happens when a frogs car breaks down?
It has to be toad away.
Why couldn’t the submarine commander get to the surface after joining Reddit?
He couldn’t get any up-boats
How to cars convince you?

By telling you that ‘you Audi-believe it.’
Why did the submarine driver lose his job
Old, racist tweets resurfaced
How advanced are the inner workings of a submarine?
It goes very deep
Driving a truck carrying cutlery is easy – as soon as you see the fork in the road, you know you’re there.
What do the Scottish cars wear as hats?

There are more planes in the ocean than there are submarines in the sky
This much is plane to sea
I wanted to learn to drive a stick shift. Thing is, I couldn’t find a manual.
Ice cream trucks are pretty hardy, but they will break down if they drive over the rocky road.
Every morning when I leave home, a bike comes from somewhere and runs me over. It’s a vicious cycle.
My race time today was much better than yesterday. I was in a whole different gear.
Passenger: One ticket to New York, please.
Bus Driver: By way of Buffalo?
Passenger: No, by bus!
Bus ticket inspectors: You’ve really got to hand it to them.
Why did the bus driver quit his job? It was driving him mad.
What is the preferred shampoo brand of truck drivers?
A truck carrying ladders crashed on the road. The cargo has spilled over, but police are taking steps to clear the area.
What title did the car have in the Navy?

Rear window Admiral.
I heard someone complain about the bus being too crowded, it was a 'bus-load' of people!
What is a car’s preferred TV program?

The Driving Dead.
I heard they’re remaking one of the Lord of the Rings movies, but everyone rides around on bicycles instead of horses.
They’re calling it The Two Tires