Information Jokes

Where's the best place to get information about eggs?
The hen-cyclopedia.
Why didn’t the horse tell her friend she was a thief?
She didn’t want to saddle her with that information.
I wanted to buy a book on Albert Einstein's theories but it was on the top shelf...
It's information that's way over my head.
The best place to search for information about witches is wicca-pedia.
Soft fruit is not always the best at doing research. They aren’t very thorough; they tend to cherry pick information.
Where’s the best place to find out information about pistachios?
The inter-nut.
I wanted to do some research on organs in biology, but I had no WiFi and couldn't find the information I wanted.
I wound up using cellular.
Wanna exchange genetic information with me?
Chuck Norris doesn’t read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants.