Seasons Puns

These seasonal puns will blow your socks off!

Seasons Puns

Does anything come after April A?
May B!
Why do snowmen always get injured when playing sports?
Because they refuse to warm up!
Did you see that all the snow and ice are melting?
I thaw!
What did the florist say when it was springtime?
Business is blooming!
What is the perfect day to go to the beach?
I hope you have an absolutely fin-tastic day!
Life is way better in sandals, and that's one opinion that I will never flip-flop on.
Why did the robot decide to go on a summer vacation?
To recharge!
What’s the preacher’s favorite fall song? A-maize-ing Grace.
Where does a bird have the most feathers in winter?
On the outside.
I snuggle to get through these winter days.
I’m stuck on you like igloo.
As autumn came, the leaves started greeting each other by saying, "Hay there!"
No one likes eating outside in the winter.
It’s frost come, frost served.
Summer is my favorite sea-sun of the year.
What do you say when you are happy with how life has been weeks before Easter? It’s so far been an egg-cellent spring.
What did the pig say on a hot summer’s day?
I’m bacon!
All you need is a little vitamin sea.
My wife came home with a bunch of spring flowers and asked where I'd like her to put them.
I said, " I'll tell you where you can plant your tulips."
Did you hear about the emperor penguin?
He had a freezing reign!
The aspiring comedian has an unbe-leaf-able collection of autumn jokes, but they are all falling flat.
I'm acorn-y person.
Oh autumn, please don't ever leaf me again.
When one tree asked another how it was doing in November, it replied, "I am pine!"
If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?
What is the best breakfast cereal to eat in the winter?
Frosted Flakes!
Fall makes me g-leaf-full!
If you're alone and get too cold, you might become ice-olated.
It's a-boat time for a holiday!
What do you get from sitting on the snow too long?
That was thaw-some!
The investigative journalist said that he would reveal all the in-cider information this fall.
What is a frog’s favorite drink on a hot summer day?
What did the icy road say to the car?
“Want to go for a spin?”
It’s Fall coming back to me now.
What did the turkey say after Thanksgiving dinner? I'm still stuffed.
‘Tis the sea-sun to be jolly.
It’s a winterful day!
Whenever fall arrives, leaves start changing their color autumn-matically.
What did the jack-o-lantern say to the psychologist? I'm hollow inside.
Whatever coats your boat.
Reading whilst sunbathing? You must be well-red!
What’s the difference between an iceberg and a clothes brush?
One crushes boats and the other brushes coats!
What do you call it when you brush off the winter snow for the last time?
A spring fling!
Make your own decisions this summer, don’t give in to pier pressure.
What can you catch in the winter with your eyes closed?
A cold.
That’s a-may-zing!
After all is sled and done.
There’s a big difference between yoga and pie-lattes.
Let’s list the froze and cons.