Seasons Puns

These seasonal puns will blow your socks off!

Seasons Puns

What do you call a dog on the beach in the summer? A hot dog!
Now that it's summer, we've got to seas the day!
What did the florist say when it was springtime?
Business is blooming!
What’s the difference between a Christmas alphabet and the regular alphabet?
The Christmas alphabet has Noel.
Who’s at the door?
It’s snowbody.
How Rudolf you to say that!
Why are wintertime fortune tellers so reliable?
They can see what is mitten in the stars.
What kind of soup can you make with cool beans?
Why is the letter B so cold? Because it’s between the AC.
The boy leaf confessed to the girl leaf that he was fall-ing in love with her.
Variety is the ice of life.
Summer is my favorite sea-sun of the year.
How do Eskimos make their beds?
With sheets of ice and blankets of snow.
After all is sled and done.
Whatever coats your boat.
If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?
You’re sledding a fine line there.
Should you plant flowers in any month besides April?
May as well!
What’s the freshest herb you can find in April?
I came, I thaw, I conquered.
What is a frog’s favorite drink on a hot summer day?
Ice simply love it when it snows!
You don't like the outdoors? Unbe-leaf-able.
Spring is the perfect time to turn over a new leaf.
What do you call a bully on Halloween? A jerk-o-lantern.
Why did the detectives suddenly appear at the concert at the beach?
Something fishy was going on.
Dear Winter — I'm breaking up with you. Summer is hotter than you.
What's the best way to avoid eating too many Thanksgiving leftovers? Quit cold turkey.
The summer sun makes me as happy as a clam at high tide.
What did the tree say to spring?
What a re-leaf!
Fall leaves whenever winter knocks on the door.
Did you hear about the emperor penguin?
He had a freezing reign!
When winter comes, this town turns into an iceburg.
When one tree asked another how it was doing in November, it replied, "I am pine!"
Where does a bird have the most feathers in winter?
On the outside.
In the magazine polls held this fall, Autumn was declared as the cutest season because it's awwwtumn!
The scientist time travels between summer and winter using his autumn-mobile!
The couple who married during autumn lived apple-ly ever after!
Fall makes me g-leaf-full!
This autumn, the garden told the mower to leaf him alone in peace.
Does anything come after April A?
May B!
What do Snowmen call their offspring?
Who is Frosty’s favorite Aunt?
Aunt Artica!
Why did the bucket bounce?
Because it was filled with spring water.
What’s the difference between spring rolls and summer rolls?
If money really did grow on trees, what would be everyone’s favorite season? Fall.
Why do bananas like to use sunscreen?
Because they peel!
Why does Foghorn Leghorn take it slow when April rolls around?
Because he’s no spring chicken!
Why did you act like that at Thanksgiving dinner? I yam what I yam.
Have you ever wondered why gulls are known as seagulls? It is because they are by the sea. Had they been by the bay, they would have been called bagels.