Physics Puns

I sense the electrifying presence of eyes hungry for our Physics Puns... Prepare for Hilarity, Physics-style.

Physics Puns

Physics is like incest.
It’s all relative.
What is better than a physics joke?
A meta physics joke.
I sit in front if my ex in physics.
There used to be a lot of friction between us.
What is a vector’s favorite band? One Direction!
I keep asking my physics teacher "what is the unit for power?"
But he just saying "Yes."
What did the nuclear physicist have for lunch?
Fission Chips.
Never trust an atom. They make up everything.
What did the nerdy duckling say ?
Quark Quark.
Why can you tell that Theresa May failed physics?
She had power and time but didn't get the work done.
My physics teacher asked, “So why is v-naught 0?”
I replied, “y-naught?”