Physics Puns

I sense the electrifying presence of eyes hungry for our Physics Puns... Prepare for Hilarity, Physics-style.

Physics Puns

When I was in school I got a B in biology, a C in chemistry.
And an F in Physics.
My Physics teacher said I have no potential.
Joke's on her, I just bought a ladder.
I really liked learning about displacement in Physics.
It's pretty straight to the point.
I keep asking my physics teacher "what is the unit for power?"
But he just saying "Yes."
At the end of the physics lecture, I asked my professor, “What happened before The Big Bang?”
He said, “Sorry. There is no time.”
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade; when life gives you apples, make physics equations.
(Looking at you Newton).
What did the nerdy duckling say ?
Quark Quark.
A physics teacher is about to jump off a high bridge
When a friend stops him saying, "Don't do it, you have so much potential."
Some people think nuclear physics is interesting.
Well, in my opinion it's really Bohring.
Never trust an atom. They make up everything.