Holiday Puns

Happy Holidays! Here is where you can come at any important holiday to get your best holiday puns!

Holiday Puns

"You're poaching all my best yolks."
Don’t give into beer pressure.
What do you call a broke santa? Give up yet? It's Saint-NICKEL-LESS.
I wood never leaf you.
I've been thinking of U periodically.
Keep calm and leprech-on.
Why is Santa so jolly? Because he knows where all the naughty girls live.
Why did Santa go to a psychiatrist? He no longer believed in himself.
"Now he's just some bunny that I used to know."
“Remember not to leave a fire burning in your fireplace this Christmas Eve, or else you might wake up to a Crisp Kringle.”
"Every bunny was kung fu fighting."
I only have ice for you.
I “lub” you.
Resting Grinch face.
Why did the Easter Egg hide?
Because he was a little chicken.
Snow on and snow forth.
What do you call Santa's helpers? Subordinate clauses.
How can you tell where the Easter Bunny left his treasure
Eggs marks the spot.
Ireland you money, if you’ll pay me back.
It’s the most wonderful time for a beer.
“Dachshund Through the Snow.”
Take a pitcher. It'll last longer.
I'd catalog you with the cookbooks because you look delicious.
I am cocoa-nuts about you.
Sips getting real.
What did one ornament say to another? I like hanging with you.
I’m not lion when I say you’re my mane.
Best in snow.
What do monkeys sing at Christmas? Jungle bells, jungle bells…
Why did the Easter Bunny have to leave school?
He was eggspelled.
Up to snow good.
Shake your shamrocks.
What name does Santa Claus use when he takes a break from delivering gifts? Santa Pause!
These decorations are tree-mendous.
I fence-y you.
We have great chemis-tree.
As it snow happens.
Why shouldn't you iron a four-leaf clover?
You don't want to press your luck!
Santa's beard is so long because he's bad at shaving. Why do you think they call him Saint Nick?
Why are Catholics the best runners during the Easter season?
They fast during Lent!
You have me greening from ear to ear.
Deja brew all over again.
It’s the most wonderful time of the beer.
What's the article of winter clothing most appropriate for Valentine's Day?
's mitten.
What do you call it when leprechauns get together after being apart?
A wee-union!
I can heartly wait to see you.
Say it ain’t snow.
"Oh, I wanna dance with some bunny, with some bunny who loves me."
Are you a locksmith? Because you have the key to my heart.
"Have an eggs-tra special Easter day."