Holiday Puns

Happy Holidays! Here is where you can come at any important holiday to get your best holiday puns!

Holiday Puns

Why did the Easter Bunny go to the doctor?
It was time for his annual eggzam.
“Have your elf a merry little Christmas.”
"Just don't carrot all."
Are you a magnet? Because I find you very attractive.
What name does Santa Claus use when he takes a break from delivering gifts? Santa Pause!
"Oh, I wanna dance with some bunny, with some bunny who loves me."
Rebel without a Claus.
What do you call Santa's helpers? Subordinate clauses.
I only have ice for you.
The lager you wait, the better it tastes.
What do you call a kid who doesn't believe in Santa? A rebel without a Claus.
I aorta tell you how much I love you.
I’m fondue you.
Burst into cheers!
“You’re my soul Santa.”
"You're totally scrambling my brain."
Irish I may, Irish I might.
“Why does Santa Claus go down the chimney on Christmas Eve? Because it soots him.”
Easter is grammatically incorrect.
We should say more east.
Hold on for deer life.
Are you a card?
We're perfectly suited for each other
What has 34 legs, 9 heads and 2 arms? Santa Claus and his reindeer.
Dublin’ the fun.
How does an elf get to Santa's workshop? By icicle.
"What did Frankenstein's monster say to his girlfriend?"

"Will you be my Valenstein?"
What should you get Lassie, the star of the hit TV show, for Valentine's Day?
A cauliflower.
The best years of my life were spent in the arms of another man’s wife
Happy Mother’s Day!
Baking on Easter Sunday
Crust is risen! Hallelujah!
I’m elf-taught.
Saw what I thought was a large dog coloring Easter eggs.
Turned out to be a dyer wolf.
I’ll never fir-get.
I bought my wife a matching belt and bag for Valentine's Day
She should have that vacuum up and running in no time.
Are you a keyboard? Because you are just my type.
How does santa get his Reindeer to fly? He uses Red Bull because it gives you wings!
“A mistle-toast to the holiday season.”
We’re in a-green-ment.
Reindeer don't go to school—they're elf taught.
The snuggle is real.
Just brew it!
I aorta tell you how much I love you.
Up to snow good.
Are you an alien? Because I believe you’ve abducted my heart.
"No eggs-cuses."
Are you a 90 degree angle? Because this feels just right.
Happy Valentine's day.
Such a Lovely day.
Santa's beard is so long because he's bad at shaving. Why do you think they call him Saint Nick?
What do monkeys sing at Christmas? Jungle bells, jungle bells…
"Have an eggs-tra special Easter day."
Drink happy thoughts.
Shake it like a pole-oriod picture.