Geology Puns

Well, you've hit rock bottom... Welcome to the funniest Geology Puns!

Geology Puns

How did the geology student drown?
His grades were below C-level.
What happens when you keep reading geology jokes in your free time?
You know that you have really hit rock bottom.
Why are geologists good at stand up comedy?
They know really “dirty” jokes.
Did you hear about the geologist who got divorced?
He was taking his wife for granite, so she left him.
What's black, white, purple, yellow and blue? Sugilite, opal, and sardonyx fighting over a gumball.
Why shouldn’t you let a geologist drive your car?
Because they get hammered and stoned.
Why wasn't the geologist hungry? He lost his apatite.
Why was the geologist always depressed?
He had a hard rock life.
Who is a geologist’s favorite band?
The Rolling Stones.
What did the geologist say when his doctor said he needed a colon exam?
No fracking way!
What did the boy volcano say to the girl volcano? I Lava You!
What is the difference between a geologist and a chemist? A chemist will drink anything that is distilled. A geologist will drink anything that is fermented.
Why do Earth Science professors like to teach about ammonia?
Because it's basic material.
What do you do with a dead geologists?
What do you do with dead geologists?
You barium.
Did you hear about the geologist who was reading a book about Helium? He just couldn't put it down.
Where do geologists like to relax? In a rocking chair Why are geologists good at stand up comedy? They know really dirty jokes.
Wanna hear the mountain joke?
nah you won't get over it