Brain Puns

You finally found enough brains to get to our Brain Puns Collection! These are meaty and will definitely make you think!

Brain Puns

What dinner dish does a developing neuron use?
A neural plate.
How do you mess up a brain, on paper?
With a few strokes.
When does a brain get afraid?
When it loses its nerve.
Why do mummies like myelin?
Because of all the wrapping.
A brain aneurysm would be swell.
What happens when you anger a brain surgeon?
They will give you a piece of your mind.
Why does the spinal cord belong in the brass section of an orchestra?
Because of its dorsal and ventral horns.
Why is the left cerebral cortex always wrong?
Because it was never in the rgiht.
What did the right hemisphere say to the left hemisphere when they could not agree on anything?
Let's split.
What type of photos do neurons post to Facebook?
What do you call a hat for the brain?
A thinking cap.
What do you get when you cross a "bad idea for using fur" with 86 billion neurons?
A hare-brained idea.
When is a synapse like a tree?
When it is pruned.
If some of Fred Flintstone's neurotransmitters could talk, what would they say?
When does it rain brains?
During a brain storm.
I was doing brain surgery to a patient the other day
He was rather open-minded if you ask me.
What happens when a neurotransmitter falls in love with a receptor?
You get a binding relationship.
The brain is an amazing organ
it really makes you think.
If your dog was a neurologist, what would it do all day?
Perform PET scans.
What did the hippocampus say during its retirement speech?
"Thanks for the memories."
What does a zombie say as he squishes your brains between his fingers?
Got your knows.
A friend of mine lost the right side of of his brain in a car accident, but he wouldn’t stop drinking and driving.
No one in their right mind would do that.
What is a good pick-up line an axon terminal can use on a dendrite?
"Let's connect."
What part of the brain deals with knowledge about plants?
The treefrontal cortex.
How did the mother know her child would become a neuroanatomist?
He was constantly staining stuff.
Why do neurons like e-mail?
The love messages.
What do you call a skull without 86 billion neurons?
A no brainer.
Did you know that a Squid’s esophagus goes through its brain?
Food for thought, isn’t it?