Before you begin
It is important to remember that bonsai training is difficult, and you are more likely to succeed if you choose a tree that is native to your area, or that can handle your local weather well. It is also important to allow the seedling to grow and become strong before you start cutting and training it. Despite the fact that bonsai trees grow faster, don’t expect to be harvesting fruit in a couple of months. Some trees might need around five years before you can harvest anything.
Planting the tree
Shaping is performed to give the tree a weathered look, without damaging it.
Use a metal wire to control the direction of growth. The wire mustn’t be too tight and will need periodic replacement as the tree grows. Wiring is done by looping a copper wire around the top of the trunk, then slowly looping the wire around the trunk and down to the base. If you wish to have certain branches bend a certain way, use the wire to direct them to where you want them to go.
BONUS: Here's a Simple Video Guide For Beginners
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This tutorial will take you on a journey to transform the very foundation of your garden - the soil - without touching your wallet.
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What You Should Drink After a Meal for Better Digestion
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Unusual Gardening Idea: Potatoes in Cardboard Boxes
Never knew growing potatoes at home was this easy!
The Ultimate Summer Beverage: Fresh Sun Tea
Summer time is the perfect time to eat fresh fruit and drink iced tea. Combine both passions with this recipe for sun tea, a delicious cool beverage.
These Food Hacks Are the Best Thing Since Sliced Bread
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How to Keep Cool in the Summer Without Switching the AC On
In the summer, it’s very tempting to switch on the AC or plant yourself in front of the nearest fan, but these aren’t the only tricks to help you keep cool.
9 Uses for Your Freezer Besides Keeping Food Frozen
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10 Great Skin & Hair Treatments You Can Make with a Cucumber
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Tip: All You Need to Know About Your Kitchen Knives
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Do Natural Cleaning Hacks Really Work? We Have the Answer
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Spectacular Potted Plants At Home Take Just 11 Easy Steps!
Plants are both beneficial to our health and make our homes look better. Here are 11 easy steps to having fabulous potted plants in your home.
You Can Do a Lot More With Milk Than Just Drinking It...
Milk is a basic ingredient in any household, but it's a waste to use it just for drinking, when you can put it into many more uses that will make your life easier while also saving you money!
13 Fantastic Alternative Uses of the Humble Apple
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8 Highly Useful Things You Can Do With Sticky Tape
If you want to discover genius uses for adhesive tape and other smart tips that make life easier, watch the following video .
These Powerful Questions Can Lead You to a Happy Life
Harness the power of questions to transform your life for the better!
10 Super-Effective Tips No One Else Will Tell You About
Fix and do just about anything with the following 10 supercool tips and tricks!
15 Great Tips for Cleaning Those Hard-to-Reach Spots
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How to Pack Light and Travel Effortlessly: 11 Tips
Master the art of packing light with these tips.
Learn These 5 Kitchen Tips from a World-Class Master Chef
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How To Keep Your Glasses In Mint Condition For Years to Come...
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A Clever Trick For Keeping Your Favorite Snacks Fresh
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Keep Your Jewelry Sparkling Clean With This Perfect Guide
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These 8 Pressure Points Are Ideal For Self Defense
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24 Smart Things to do With Your Clothes Hangers
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Super Tutorial: Top 100 Construction Tips and Hacks
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Amazing! Who Knew Butter Could Solve So Many Problems?
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These Body Language Tricks Will Make You Seem Confident
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Science Says This Is the Right Way to Pack a Suitcase!
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Mindfulness Techniques that Will Make Your Life Easier
A mindfulness technique to calm yourself down and feel at peace.
These Tips Will Make Your Grocery Shopping a Breeze!
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Have You Been Eating Bananas Wrong Your Whole Life??
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