Many families get their portraits taken together, sometimes to put on display and sometimes just to keep in an album for the future. Animals, however, don’t think of such things, and getting them to pose for a family portrait is sometimes near-impossible. This fact makes these cute animal pictures so unique, as they touch on our own sense of family bonds and show us that even wild animals have a soft side…
Is This the Cutest Dog Breed Ever? See For Yourself!
One of the most famous dog breeds on the internet is certainly the Shiba Inu. Here are 20 cute photos of this fantastic kind of dog!
If You're Feeling Low, Then Here's the Pick-Me-Up You Need
If you're feeling a little blue or are just looking for something to make you smile, then you've certainly come to the right place!
Cows are the Cutest, But This One is Something Special
He acts just like one of the family dogs! And the best part? They're all best buddies!
These Naughty Dog Pictures are Incredibly Funny
Dogs are a great source of joy for many, but they can also be extremely naughty. Nevertheless, we always forgive them for their silliness. View these photos.
These Adorable Animals Sure Know the Importance of Family!
The concept of family was hardly invented by humans. Animals know just as well as we do the importance of loving and spending time with your family.
You'll Be Amazed at How Far Dogs Will Go to Beg for Food!
Here are 20 hilarious examples of begging dogs that will melt your heart and make you scream with laughter!
Cute Corner: The Most Adorable Cat Dad
Adorable cat father plays and sleeps with his kittens.
These Adorable Animals Sure Know the Importance of Family!
The concept of family was hardly invented by humans. Animals know just as well as we do the importance of loving and spending time with your family.
Cute Nature: A Day in the Life of an Adorable Pika
This sneaky pika is an adorable little devil!
Too Cute! This Old Cat Just Loves Playing With Kittens
Check out these cute little kittens who fell in love with an old and grumpy feral cat. As a bonus, you can watch them playing together via a live feed.
Have You Ever Seen a Dog THIS Smart? Wow!
This dog just loves helping around the house! What a smart dog!
These Pictures Prove That Animals Will Have Your Back
19 photos that prove how kind and caring animals are.
When Dogs Believe They Are Actually Cats...
These dogs are convinced they are actually cats in disguise!
Funny & Cute: When Dogs Realize They're Going to the Vet...
When dogs realize they are going to the vet, hilarity ensues.
A Friendship This Adorable Has Never Before Been Seen!
There are many odd friendships between different types of animals, but this tiny dog and even tinier birds have formed the best one.
Can You Get Through This Post Without Grinning?
It is impossible not to love this series of adorable photos!
These 23 Hilarious Kitties Have Some Real Cat-titude!
Cats bring so much joy to world because they are both cute and hilarious, in equal measure. These 23 funny kitties will prove just that!
5 Types of Rules Kids Need at Home for Good Development
This article discusses the 5 types of rules children should have at home as well as tips for implementing these rules.
These Fluffy Puppies Are Too Adorable for Words
Thirty adorable puppies that you are so cute you'll want to stroke them all day long.
These Animals Are All So Happy to See You!
These animals all possess something endearing.
20 Hilarious Moments of Animals Just Having a Little Fun!
30 hysterical examples of why we love animals!
This Dancing 3-Year-Old Will Definitely Make Your Day!
This dancing Chinese toddler will make your day. It doesn't get much cuter than this!
Warning! After Seeing These Pics, You'll Want a Boxer!
Boxers are the best, there’s no doubt about that! The following funny boxer pictures will make your day. Take a look!
These Cute Little Puppies Changed into Mighty Big Mutts!
Check out his collection of photos, which shows the same dogs when they were cute little puppies, as well as when they became mighty mutts!
These Hilarious Ferrets Are Simply Too Cute For Words!
You've got to see this video of ferrets playing together, stealing things, and trying their hardest to look innocent! We can't get enough of them!
These Cute Comics Radiate Friendliness and Warmth
These heartwarming comics by artist Guy Kopsombut will infuse your day with a little positivity.
17 Dogs Who Will Surprise You With Their Resourcefulness
Take a look at some of these dogs who went out of their way to help their human friends.
These Photos Prove That Cats are Actually Liquid!
These 20 hilarious videos will prove to you that cats are actually made of some type of alien liquid!
Try Not to Cry When You See These Owners and Dogs Reunite
Try not to cry as you watch these adorable dogs reunite with their owners.
Then & Now: 15 Cute Photos of Dogs When They Were Puppies
These adorable photos prove that puppies grow up WAY too fast!
Get Ready to Feel All Warm and Fuzzy With These Dog Comics
Get ready to feel all warm and fuzzy with these heartwarming and cute dog comics by .Hey Buddy Comics’.
Heartwarming: When a Blind Cat Gets Adopted
This is the story of Rudy, who has no eyes but functions just fine in the world without them.
16 Superb Animal Photos to Brighten Your Day
Take a look at these adorable animal pictures because a day without animal shenanigans is a day wasted!
15 Unusual Animal Friendships That Will Melt Your Heart
These adorable pictures of unlikely animal friends prove that love is truly blind.
Let's Laugh Along with These Adorable Smiley Animals
These animal smiles are wonderfully contagious. Can you contain yourself?
Heartwarming! See Soldiers Being Reunited with Their Dogs
How much do dogs miss their family members when they're separated for quite some time? Far too much, it seems!
Aww-Inducing Portraits of Cats Taken from Down Under
Professional photographer Andrius Burba took pictures of cats on glass surfaces to hilarious results
These Pets Are Shy But It Makes Them Even More Adorable!
Everyone feels shy and embarrassed sometimes, even animals! These pets may be bashful, but that makes them even more adorable...
Ever Hear of THESE Mixed Dog Breeds? 50 Beautiful Pairings
This post will show you no less than 50 of the most adorable mixes of dogs you may have never encountered before.
Try Not to Laugh at These Funny Kittens... We Dare You!
This video compilation of kittens is both cute and funny!
Enjoy 60 of the Cutest and Funniest Elephant Videos!
This video compilation includes 60 of the funniest and most adorable short videos of elephants being kind, hilarious, helpful and silly!
So Cute! Here Are the Most Adorable Kittens I've Ever Seen
If you love kittens, then you've definitely got to see this immensely cute video!
There's One Type of Dog that Always Makes Me Laugh...
This adorable compilation of the famous sausage dogs will make you melt. Enjoy this video compilation of one of the cutest and funniest dog types having fun with people!
Heartwarming: Gentle Pit Bull Raises Kitten as His Child
Video: Bubba the pit bull acts as orange tabby Rue's parent, playing with her and taking care of her
These Animals Would Be Able to Sleep Just About Anywhere!
Some pets are so cute. They appear to be able to sleep just about anywhere. Take a look at these 23 oh-so-cute animals that didn't make it to bed.
These 10 Animal Adoption Stories Will Melt Your Heart!
Have a look at these 10 cross-species animal adoption stories and see if you've ever heard anything sweeter!
Getting Along Like...Cats and Dogs?
While conventional wisdom states that cats and dogs were born natural enemies, this isn't always the case.