1. Test the freshness of roses
When you’re choosing a bouquet, look at the bottoms of the petals to see how many petals were previously removed from it. A fresh rose will only have one or two petals removed, and the more petals missing, the sooner it will wilt.
2. Most flowers do not have a scent
Your nose is perfectly fine - most decorative flowers simply have no scent. Growers prefer to breed flowers that are bigger and more resilient, as opposed to nice smelling flowers.
3. Don’t keep your flowers on a windowsill
Yes, they do look great in the sunlight, but the same light also speeds up the wilting process and the flowers will be gone in a day or two. Instead, keep the bouquet in a shady area.
4. Wash the vase after you use it
Don’t swap bouquets without washing the vase properly. The bacteria and fungi from the previous bouquet will hasten the decaying process and your new flowers will be dead in no time. For the best results, wash the vase with alcohol or bleach.
5. Fruits are your enemies
Keeping your bouquet next to a fruit bowl may look lovely, but it will also shorten the lifespan of your flowers. Fruit emits a gas called ethaline, which speeds up decay in plants.
6. Keep your flowers away from air conditioning
Flowers prefer a humid environment, and air conditioning dries up the air, shortening their lifespan.
7. Change the water
Still water is a nursery for bacteria, fungi and algae – all of which can speed up the decaying process. By changing the water on a daily basis, you will prolong the lifespan of the bouquet.
8. Don’t use scissors
Instead of snipping stems with scissors, work with a sharp knife without a serrated edge. A knife allows you to cut the stems diagonally. Cut the stems every 3-4 days.
9. Remove the leaves
You can use scissors to snip any leaves that come in contact with the water in the vase. Leaving the leaves in the water creates a perfect habitat for bacteria and fungi.
10. Don’t play with the flowers’ shape
Avoid breaking, bending or damaging the stems. The stem's shape is vital for the delivery of nutrients to the flowers. If you have a damaged flower, you will do well to remove it from the bouquet.
11. Don’t buy bouquets out on the street
These bouquets sit in the sun for long periods of time and are unlikely to be fresh. Go to your favorite florist and buy it from them to ensure your flowers are fresh.
12. No cold showers!
You don’t like them and neither do the flowers. When first putting the flowers in the vase, or when you change the water, make sure the water is lukewarm.
13. The “magical formula”
Instead of just using tap water, make a mixture of 4-parts water, 1-part Sprite (not diet) and add a couple of drops of bleach. Using distilled water is better than regular water.
In summary, here's what you need to remember:
• Wash the vase before use.
• Use a non-serrated knife to cut the stem diagonally every three days.
• Avoid bending or breaking the stems.
• Change the water daily.
• Use lukewarm water.
• Remove leaves that touch the water.
• Don’t leave the vase in direct sunlight, by an AC, or near a fruit bowl.
• Use the “magic formula”: Mix 4 parts water with 1 part Sprite, and add a few drops of bleach.
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