Boat Puns

We really hope these puns float your boat!

Boat Puns

What do you call an imaginary yacht?
A dream boat.
What is one way to save money when you go to the lake?
Buy a “sale boat.”
Red ship hits Blue ship...
Sailors marooned.
What do you call a seamstress that snuck aboard a ship?
A sew-away!
Did you hear about the boat that crashed into the beach?
The captain fell asleep and the crew didn't realize until they were already in the no wake zone.
What do you call someone who owns a boat dealership?
A Sailsmen.
Where does Google keep their ships?
In the Google Docs.
You know what really floats my boat?
Surface tension.
If I ever get drafted into the Navy, and they make me choose what boat to get on.
I would just say frig it.
What do you call a big boat full of fish
A carp ark.
Did you hear about the boat dock that committed murder?
He’s going to be judged by a jury of its piers.
Why are snails allowed on ships?
I'm reading a book about a sadistic evil man who attaches ridges from boat hulls to his victims.
He's a mad keeler.
Mike Tyson bought a yacht and immediately wrecked it.
Who woulda thunk it?
How did they punish the longshoreman whose improper ship mooring caused the destruction of a pier?
They docked his pay.
If Kim Jong-un had a private yacht, it would be a dictator ship
I’d like to buy a catamaran or a yacht.
I’d like to get the best of boat words.
Where do boats go when they feel sick?
To the dock.
Why did all the passengers on the right side of the ship have dead cell phones?
They weren’t on the port side of the ship.
What do you do when you miss the ferry?
Call a canoe-ber.