AC Unit Puns

Let us help you chill with these fan puns

AC Unit Puns

Me: Dad, can I turn the air-conditioner on?
Dad: did you shampoo it first?
I destroyed all the air conditioners at work and escaped.
Police are now charging me with a 'heat and run' incident.
My heater won't stop running.
I swear it has no chill.
Sitting near the fireplace is just like a whole bunch of bees...
I think my window air conditioner needs an ambulance.
It keeps hyperventilating.
I bought a new heater for my wife.
She didn't like it first, but now I think she's warmed up to it.
I think my heater is sick.
It's hot.
My dad used to crack jokes standing above our fireplace.
Now he's passed the mantle on to me.
I got arrested at work today for moving my desk away from the air conditoner vent.
I was charged with draft-dodging!