Dad Jokes

My dad just told me something that sent a chill down my spine.
He said, “I’m turning off the heating.”
My dad just told be a cool joke about drums
I thought I’d snare it with you guys
Chuck Norris lost his virginity before his dad did.
When Chuck Norris moved out, his dad became the man of the house.
Son: Hey Dad, why do you have your ear right up to that computer?
Dad: I’m listening to A Dell
How to determine the gender of your cat?
pour some milk in a bowl and place it next to the cat, if she drinks it, your cat is a female, but if he drinks it, the cat is a male
My dad thought Cuba would be boring. He's now Havana a really great time.
My son asked today “ Dad, are people in Spain cannibals?”
I answered “Why would you think that?”

He said “Well, my teacher said they mostly live off of tourists there.”
My dad used to be an airline pilot, but he decided to retire because it got too Boe-ing.
My dad works in a steel plant.
He says it's very riveting.
There’s a big thunderstorm. The road is blocked by a big mudslide. A little boy asks his dad, “Why does earth fall down like that?”
His dad answers, “It’s terrain.”
After hearing about my history major, my dad said, “You should go visit Italy in late August.Then you can witness The Fall of Rome."
My vaccine dad joke failed.
But it was worth a shot.
What do you call a cup of leaf juice that doesn’t want to be a dad?
Absent-tea parent.
My dad died on Thanksgiving whilst eating dinner.
Fowl play was suspected.
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