Weather Puns

These hilarious weather puns are not be mist!

Weather Puns

There’s an old oak near my house that’s always surrounded by fog.

I don’t know why, it’s a mist tree.
Q: What do you call a gust of wind full of sand?
A: A rough draft
What did the evaporating raindrop say?

I’m going to pieces.
I recently got offered a job studying fog but I turned it down.

Looking back, I now think it was a mist opportunity.
You can't blame anyone if you fall in your driveway due to snowy weather...
Because that's your own asphalt.
I'm trying to think of a weather pun, but my mind's kinda cloudy now.
Q: Why did the wind turbine blush?
A. It broke wind.
Q: What’s the fastest way to make a skeleton?
A: Put a leper in a wind tunnel
What does a spy do in the rain?

He goes undercover.
What do you call a storm that doesn't come to fruition?
A mist opportunity!
Did you hear of the story of the tornado? There is a twist at the end.
Q: What did the cloud say to the lightning bolt?
A: You're shocking!
Q: What's a tornado's favorite game?
A: Twister
Q: What is a tornado’s favorite game?
A: Twister
A man went to buy long underwear cause the weather was getting cold. The cashier asked " How long would you like them"
"From march to September", said the man.
Everyone said the wind was powerful. So, I went outside and was blown away.
What do you call an English rock band playing in the mist? Foghat.
What is the difference between a wet day and a lion with a toothache? A wet day is pouring with rain, the other is roaring with pain.
What did one raindrop say to the other? Two's company, three's a cloud.
What falls all the time and never gets hurt? Rain.
Q: What is a wind turbine’s favorite musical group?
A: Air Supply
A man went to the gym today and met up with his new personal rainer.
I hate windy weather. It really blows.
Our weather bureau is actually an umbrella organization.
My glasses fogged up once I came out of the AC room last summer, but I was okay because I was opti-mistic.
I mist say, this is a pretty bad joke, but it haze potential.
What do you call a baby owl stuck in the rain?
A moist owlette.
Why did Iron Man sleep outside when it rained?
To get some rust.
Q: Where can a tornado be jailed?
A: In a high pressure cell.
What type of pants do rain clouds wear? Thunderwear.
When we were young, we had this myth that lightning bolts go all the way to cloud 9.
Mother always knows best. But when winter comes around, Mother Nature snows best.
What’s the difference between a horse and wet weather?

One reigns up and the other rains down.
When does soil get rich?

When mother nature makes it rain.
Does all this rain make you want an ark?

I Noah guy.
A bunch of chill-dren from the neighborhood played all afternoon in the snow.
When the storm begun, the garden party became a bit disorganized and food service was turned to a frost come frost served.
RIP boiled water.

You will be mist.
A good friend of mine fell into a vaporiser and died.

She is sadly mist.
What's a king's favorite kind of precipitation?
I tried playing baseball in the fog today.

It was a bit hit and mist.
A little boy asks his dad, “Why is it raining? Is the sky sad?”
The dad replies, “Yes, son, the sky is pretty blue.”
Why do you never see owls being affectionate in the rain? It's too wet to woo.
What do you call a dinosaur that got stuck in the rain?
A driplodocus.
Wind turbines don’t talk about much. They just shoot the breeze.
Q: What falls but never hits the ground?
A: The temperature
Rain doesn’t fall. Raindrops.
I’ve never understood fog machines.

They mystify me to this day.
When can 3 elephants stand under 1 umbrella and not get wet?

When it’s not raining.
Knock Knock

Who's there?


Butter who?

Butter get an umbrella, it looks like it's going to rain!