Tech Puns

The punniest technology puns you will ever find.

Tech Puns

A router and a modem got married.

They were pronounced husbandwidth and Wifi.
Today I Learned I should NOT have my password be the name of my cat.
I then turned to my cat and said, "Well, wJ:cg/v&A;6BTt, I guess it's back to the drawing board."
The FBI are raiding an alleged spy's apartment when they discover a hard drive labeled "KGB".
One of the agents holds it up with a look of confusion and says, "Why wouldn't he just write 1 TB?"
Dancing Queen used to have a lot of profanity in its lyrics, but after computers became common
No-one needed an ABBA cuss
I hate it when planes don't have free WiFi.
It drives me bored air line crazy.
Clean water is like password
Not everyone has access to it.
I dropped my computer on my foot.
It mega-hurts.
I took all the punctuation marks off of the judge's keyboard.
I expect a long sentence.
Hey baby, are you a cloud server?
Because I have something to upload from my hard drive.
I asked my son to go get me a phone book. He laughed, called me a dinosaur, and handed me his iPhone.
The spider is dead, the iPhone screen is cracked, and my son is furious!
Dear keyboard manufacturers, I'm writing to request a redesign so that g and t wouldn't be right next to each other. Retards
Why was the computer sad?
It was going un-node-iced.
I can relate to my computer so much. Even I go to sleep after 25mins of inactivity.
Did you hear about the computer virus that was programmed by a cat?
It's considered meowware!
I asked the librarian for the new book on erectile dysfunction.
She typed on her keyboard and said "It's not coming up!"
I said "Yeah, that's the one!!"
How come an owl turns his cell phone off at night? So he doesn't get any hooty calls.
What did the girl say when she got a fake call? "I think that call was phoney".
My cell phone got drunk.
It took too many screenshots.
I now pronounce you husband and wifi
You may kiss the bride goodbye.
I was dating a keyboard but we had to break up...
...she just wasn't my type.
Got fired from my job at the keyboard factory. I couldn't keep the space clean.
Where do the keys on a keyboard go to have a good time
The spacebar.
I just lost a key on my keyboard
Now its all out of control.
On a keyboard, nothing is under control.
Why did Karen press Ctrl-Shift-Esc on her keyboard?
Because she wanted to speak to the Task Manager!
Why is the 7 key on the keyboard so afraid?
Because the & is near
My brother, who is an IT guy, got surgery done on his fingers. Now he can truly be called a tech-knuckle support guy.
Don't use the word "EGG" for your password...
It's very easily cracked.
How did Sam win the talent show? Sam-sung.
Was going to change my password to MilkyTea but apparently that's too weak.
Does your computer constantly and annoyingly have tons of updates to install?
Of course it does. Software needs to get better over a number of years and you can't rush the progress.

Chrome wasn't built in a day.
I phoned OK magazine the other day. They answered and said "Hello?", so I said "Sorry, wrong number," and hung up.
What did the WiFi router say when it was unplugged?
"Tell my wifi love her
So, if I heat my solid state hard drive until it becomes a gaseous state hard drive
Would that mean I'm doing cloud computing?
What do you call a fake Nokia? A phone-y of course.
You didn't hear the joke about cell phones?
Probably because it had a bad reception.
What's one of the worst things you could come across while surfing the web?
Your keyboard.
Some guy asked dad for the WiFi code.
Shrugging his shoulders and giving a sympathetic look, he responded: I can't figure her out either.
What do hackers do on a boat?
German Wi-Fi is the WURST.
I was testing the speaker phone on the intercom on our landline with my father yesterday.
It started to make that annoying noise. My old man said it was too close to call.
Since getting sober, I decided to go with the cheapest cell phone provider I can find!
Way fewer bars!!!
Keep Your Friends Close, Your Utility Keys Closer.
I introduced my mouse to my keyboard today...
It was awkward at first, but then they just clicked.
*Creating password*

ERROR: [Password two week]
What is a tiny cell phone called? A microphone.
Why did the PowerPoint presentation cross the road?
To get to the other slide.
What is a phone's favorite TV show? Game of Phones.
I love complimentary WiFi.
It makes me feel good about myself.
Why is it so hard to contact a pirate? He leaves his phone off the hooks.