Color Puns

These color puns will brighten your day.

Color Puns

Dark-colored huskies found in Colorado can also be termed as dusky huskies!
Q. Where do red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet crayons like to go hiking?
A. Colorado.
What's red and invisible? No tomatoes.
The fact that we were asked to leave our beautiful purple color house by the owner is still purplexing for me.
After completing the deadline just in the nick of time, the artist breathed a cyan of relief.
Q: Why did the purple family have to move out?

A: They were plum too loud, excessively violet with one another, and were fuschiatives of the law.
The painter did not want to sit idle because he knew that time white for no one.
Though my brother won the art competition, he went up to his rival and gave him the credit where it was hue!
Did you hear about the artist that has been drawing very small, colorful noodles?
He drew an itsy, bitsy, teeny-weeny, yellow, polka dot linguini.
The only thing that is black and white and has to be red all over is a newspaper.
The sun's favorite color is ultraviolet. Apparently, it glows with everything.
I recently ran a charity marathon to promote greener earth, but the run left me a little jaded.
In the paintball game, I shot a guy thrice. He dyed on impact.
After checking my poor results, the art teacher shouted, "Never in a vermilion years have I seen such poor grades"!
Librarians don't like drinking white wine. They prefer the well red ones!
Do black and white count as colors?
It's a gray area.
I just beat my friend in a Wild West themed art race!
I was quicker to the draw.
When facing trouble in the workspace, all the colorists rallied together by saying, "Come what grey, we will overcome all obstacles!"
What do you call a crimson-colored fish wearing a hat?
A red herring...
Elephant boxing matches are very difficult to watch. It becomes tough to identify as both have grey trunks!
My colleague kept on missing deadlines, so I advised him not to bite off more than he can blue!
Did you hear about the colorful sea cow?
Oh the hue-manatee!!!
The most notorious one of all pirates was very sad. It may have been because he was Bluebeard!
Can anyone advise me what color my hair is?
I find it's a bit of a grey area.
I was sick, and my whole body turned colorful. The doctor took a look and said that I had a color infection, which is caused by the Crayola virus.s
A friend of mine was describing an exotic bird to me and asked what was orange and sounded like a parrot. I told him, "A carrot".
Q. What is a mime's favorite time of the day?
A. Dusk, because all the colors are muted.
When the time came, he betrayed our team and showed his blue colors.
As the incessant rain washed away the blue paint of the house, the owner sighed and said, "Cyanara!"
The green light at the road signal looked at the red light and said, "Don't look while I am changing".
Q. What do you get when a swine artist mixes two colors together?
A. Pigment.
Blue and green stopped fighting because they had agreed on peace teal.
The computer had to visit the dentist at the very earliest opportunity as it had a BlueTooth!
While building a house, the architect took his fingers and dipped them in a jar of blue ink. He wanted to get the blueprints!
The color of the sky can help in predicting the weather. It gives a fair report of the hue-midity.
TV news anchors love the shades of red. They get serious whenever there is Burgundy.
My sister was diagnosed as color blind. The revelation really came out of the blue.
What do you call a chameleon that can't change colors?
A reptile dysfunction.
Which color is the fastest?
Red, because it is always redy.
I was under the blues, so I had to blue my nose occasionally.
The snow leopard appeared just at the time our guide predicted it. It appeared white on time!
The graphic designer's present company gave her a substantial raise while a rival company also gave a similar offer. I am now caught in hue minds!
Red wasn't feeling very well for the past few weeks. He has been diagnosed with scarlet fever.
What's the difference between a colorful women's garment and a famous live music venue?
One's a house of blues, the other's a blouse of hues.
What's red and smells like blue paint? Red paint.
A friend of mine swallowed some food colouring. He feels he dyed a little inside.
Military submarines are a deep navy blue in color.
When the well-read bird decided to open a restaurant, he named it Red Robin.
My favorite denim blue jeans just turned brown. I think I will have to call it Dung-arees!
Q. Which dinosaur species has deep blue-green feathers?
A. Teal-Rex.