Gardening Jokes

How do you know you are a Master Gardener?
There is a decorative compost container on your kitchen counter.
You would rather go to a nursery to shop than a clothing store.
You prefer gardening to watching television.
You plan vacation trips to arboretums and public parks.
Dirt under your fingernails and calloused palms are matters of pride.
I started an insurance company for flower and gardening businesses...
It's called "oopsie daisies."
What do you call a book on underwater gardening?
A self-kelp book.
I’ve always been afraid of gardening.
But then I decided to grow a pear.
Has anyone else's gardening skills improved during this quarantine like mine have?
I planted myself on the sofa at the beginning of April and I've grown bigger ever since.
Over quarantine, I’ve really gotten into gardening. I am especially enamored with growing chard varieties. So much so I’ve written a book of poems about their taproots.
I hope to one day be recognized as the beet poet of our generation!
Gardening question: Does anyone know a good place where I can buy a fern? Asking for a frond.
Sherlock Holmes was doing some gardening, Watson asked what he was planting. He replied “A lemon tree, my dear Watson”.
I want to start gardening, but I haven’t botany plants.
I wasn’t all that interested in gardening, but I planted a few seeds, and it grew on me.
Gardening is a matter of your enthusiasm holding up until your back gets used to it
— Author Unknown
"There are no gardening mistakes, only experiments."
— Janet Kilburn Phillips
“An addiction to gardening is not all bad when you consider all the other choices in life.”
— Cora Lea Bell
“Anyone who has time for drama is not gardening enough”
— Anonymous
"What a man needs in gardening is a cast-iron back, with a hinge in it."
- Charles Dudley Warner