Space Puns

Strap your helmet on and check your O2 levels, because we're leaving earth for the best space puns online!

Space Puns

Why wouldn’t the Moon come to the Sun’s funeral?
It isn’t a mourning person
Flat-Earthers hate the fact our planet is spherical, whereas Asgard is flat.
It's a Thor subject for them.
How many astronomers will it take to just change a lightbulb? None, they like the dark.
Becoming a space pilot is not easy. It requires a good altitude.
I dare you to lie that you didn’t find all these space puns hilarious. Th
The moon landing is obviously fake.
The moon is clearly still up there.
Which channels do the asteroids like to watch? The comet-y channel.
Which hot drinks space people like? Gravi-tea.
Elon Musk is now the richest person on the planet.
Space X has really taken off this past year.
Why do all kids want to be an astronaut?
Because there is no pressure.
Living costs on the moon would probably be out of this world.
How do you put a baby astronaut to sleep?
You rocket.
What is the best way to observe the two planets between Jupiter and Neptune?
Saturn Uranus.
When should astronauts retire?
When they start spacing out.
What ingredient is essential when baking a Star Wars cake?
Bicarbonate of Yoda
How did the astronaut die?
exposure to Mercury.
A sun walks into a black hole.
The black hole says to the sun "I don't think you understand the gravity of this situation".
How will you make a baby astronaut fall asleep peacefully? Rock-et.
There’s a big thunderstorm. The road is blocked by a big mudslide. A little boy asks his dad, “Why does earth fall down like that?”
His dad answers, “It’s terrain.”
Why do astronauts use linux?
because you can't open windows in space.
Why people did not like the restaurant on? Because there was literally no atmosphere.
Why doesn’t the sun go to college? Because it has a million degrees!
Have you heard about the latest restaurant that opened up on moon?
No, how is that restaurant?
What's E.T. short for?
Because he's got little legs.
Two astronauts who were dating, met up for a launch date.
What does someone mean by a light year? The same as a regular year, but with less calories and fat.
What do you call a fashionable, but judgmental monster who howls at the moon?
A What Not To Wear-Wolf.
Have you heard about the chef on space station? He’s not that much of an astronaut, but his food is literally out of this world!
Mooning is very ASStrological
What currency do astronauts use in space?
What do you call an alien with three eyes?
An aliiien.
The moon asked the sun: Buddy when you are so hot, why are you single yet?
Reading sun puns while sunbathing make one well red.
Why don't aliens get hungry after being blasted into space?
Because they've just had a big launch.
When does the moon gets his/her stomach full? During full moon.
What is an astronauts favourite type of shirt?
Why does no one trust the man on the moon?Why does no one trust the man on the moon?

Because he has a dark side!
How does the sun say hi to the moon?
With a heat wave!
How can astronauts get more protein in their diet? They make it meteor.
What kind of tropical fruit wants to visit the moon?
A Coco-naut
Why would a cow want to go to space? To see the Milky Way.
I got an e-mail saying, "At Google Earth we can read maps backwards!" and I thought to myself...
“That’s just spam.”
Tomorrow the planet will be one year older..
Happy bEarthday!
Dud you know Astronauts said steaks are better in space?
They're a little meteor.
What spread do astronauts use on their toast?
. . . Space jam
What do the astronauts put on their lunch toast? Space jam.
What do you think walking on the moon is like?
Not very impactful.
What planet is next to Uranus?
Can’t wait for the first married woman to walk on the red planet.
Just so I can ask if there’s wife on Mars.
How will you have communion in the space if you won’t have mass?